VibeEntertainmentLost Light
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"To be different."

"Expected to act a certain way, or to be something you're not. How can you force such things on people who're meant to be individuals?"

"You look at people by your side as equals."

"Yet, you look at those you deem beneath you to be lesser? I will never treat people like that, I've never treated people like that. Those who knew me, those who know me can say without a doubt in their mind... I've treated them the same as I would anyone. With respect."

"Then they wonder, why so many people had been around. Because they felt free, apart of something where everyone could be apart of something. Apart of progress."

"Those who speak ill of me, after this time in wait to gather my thoughts. I can see now, I should not be angry at you for your words."

"Even now, I speak all of this within my own space. Such a tranquil feel... it's been so relaxing."

"However, I found myself feeling lost. Like I've let those same people I've given a Light to follow, down."

"I need to make it up to them. Not just for them. For myself too. I failed. To do what I believed was right, what others believe to be foolish. Stupid or as some would call me, retarded. Haha.."

"Even when they shame me, spit on me, beat me down when I lose in combat. I will look forward past these actions and words agaisnt me. Where they plan to see me fail at every turn no matter what I do, I will still try and do what I believed is right."

"I should probably apologize to those who feel as though I've betrayed them. Lead them on to a false view of myself. That's not the case at all. Yet once again, all of this is within my own space. No one truly knows the truth. I don't think even if I explained it, they would understand, nor care."

"We're past that now."

"I'll write this down one day, I'll share these thoughts of mine. So they know I was always honest. Even when those around me wanted to lie to everyone else. I kept to the truth. It made me look weak. It made me look like an idiot to them. Laughing at me, wishing for my downfall at every turn when I was fighting on the fields as they sat idly by and sipped on a cup of tea."

"I'd do it again."

"Just to see them angry at me, because I'm not like them. I'll never be like them."

"To be different... It's time to find the Light I had lost."

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"Wake up Caliel. It's time to wake up."

"Ah, it's that voice again... I'm coming, I'm coming. Maybe this time I can actually use my head before dashing into a fight, yeah?"[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
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