Following word of a coup taking place in Delphinia- a hive takeover, Darius Kallis takes a public stance on matters before the nation's announcements.
Quote:"...Caliel came to Aphros for a reason. A fear something similar to this would happen.eThough we fought on opposing sides, I considered Caliel a friend.eA Delphinian noble with follow through. A desire to see his home, Dal'thala safeguarded.eI learn of his death at the hands of some cowardly executioners, and the hive overtaking those lands by force.eI'll be blunt about it. To all those of you displaced, yet surviving the greathive onslaught, you are welcome with us.eKallis will open its door to you, so long as you possess the same spirit as Caliel.eSo long as you are willing to work with Kallis to see your home safeguardedeWe vow to work to make Kallis your second home. To those of Delphinia that feel their hope lost.eWe've done it once before, it can be done again. Reach out to Darius Kallis, especially to the disenfranchised and fearful."e-Darius Kallis