[Image: IMG_5690.jpg]
I am Bracchus.

The Undying Death. Champion.

To serve one Master, do I act and dedicate this existence of mine to.

Three heights laid before me in the beginning, obstacles in this service. Unfettered I face them, the first I was uplifted from, the second I currently traverse. The third the next to be conquered.

Below me, lays where I was once was. The lesser, the living crop. Wretched existence, but by the Master's hand, guided by deathly Father Caius' hand has he seperated me from them, and made me greater.

Where I stand now, the middle ground where I traverse in eternal death. Scythe in hand, I swing below me. Reaping flesh and vitae of those below in endless duty, my Master turning them into sustenance for my being so that I may be prepared for what comes next.

Above me, the challenge. Unlike the previous two, this height is uncertain. It is the path that stretches ahead out past the horizon, unable to be determined, littered with trials. But at the end, is the greatest reward promised...

The title of Champion, I will uphold and rise past.

My Master, invigorated from the harvest of the field ascends with me.

All will be overcome.
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