1r5Novellia Slewfoot - Aphros' Detective
This entire journal is written from the perspective of the Detective herself. It will likely be very edgy.

Quote:[Image: unknown.png]
This is an old picture of mine. I look... very serious.
Novellia Slewfoot
Year of Birth: 198X AC
Allegiance: Aphros, House Kallis (and by extension, Darius Kallis, Lucia Prestor, Arcen, Tobias Sombra)

If you're reading this file, chances are I've died. I've scribbled up a journal years before, but... I forgot to bring it up to date. Instead, I'll guess this will serve its purpose instead.
Besides, that one was too... emotion-filled.

Let me bring you up to date to the now.

Around 2000 AC, I, Novellia Slewfoot, arrived in Aphros following the incident of 124, which wiped out the village I originated from. (ooc: still have to continue this lmao)
I met Darius Kallis, who allowed me to join House Kallis as an Intelligence Officer - eventually tasking me with an investigation into the Coven of Misfortune - which I did, donning the disguise of Slumpage, a pugilist. I'm good at acting, but I have an actual interest in pugilism from my younger days.
With this disguise, I managed to write a report on several people of the Coven, identifying a few, and resulting in the death of one, high-ranking. I'll get into that later.
Sadly, it was short-lived for this purpose - one Vitriol seemed to know who I am, somehow getting his hands on a letter I sent Darius with details on the investigation. Once I asked Darius about it, we eventually came to the conclusion that Vitriol was one of the few people Darius works with.
Orexius Walt, the Knight Captain of Umbra.

The only person who he shared that letter to. Not to mention - his magic matched Vitriol's.
Soon, he was captured. His execution was interrupted by a Helish creature - but afterwards, he was summarily exsanguinated by Arcen (read: crushed up like a soup can) and cremated by the Oracle, Hadrian Dominic (read: immolated on a pyre). Good riddance.

Next, I've started to investigate the Necromancers... and that's where we are now.
I know - not an exciting repertoire, but Darius sees merit in me.

Now I just have to keep it up.

I left out many details. Nobody needs to know about Operation Fortunate Soul.

- 2008 AC-

My investigation into the necromancers is going... bad. Perdition was hard to find - only found it when the Oracle gave me direct instructions.
Moreover, I'm using Slumpage again. I hope they don't notice. I am definitely going to use several invisibility potions.
...Lucia Prestor, Darius' second-in-command (I believe?) gave me an invisibility potion brewed by the late Brick Walt. I'll likely have to use it. I thank you for your posthumous support, Brick.

Update: It went as smooth as one-grit sandpaper. Invisibility potions don't seem to block some sort of passive glow. I was spotted and immediately chased out.

- 2009 AC-

Tasked with finding people - first mercenaries to join the fight against the necromancers with, and second by a Port Fortune citizen to find the location where Aurora Caewynn lives. About the first... I'm sorry, Oliver. I wish I could've helped. We did get Villaus Tal and some of his cronies, so that was successful.
I still wish I could've done more.


- 2018 AC-

I've made the deal of a lifetime - a deal to a Nethadrin. Not for witchcraft - I'd never, but the chance to uncover one of the grandest secrets of this realm - or Hel, not even THIS realm.
In fact, I just named that realm in my previous sentence.
[Image: image.png]

- 2019 AC-

Shit. As it turns out, Ophelia is the new head of house Kallis, and she's sent me on a case to find out if Mei Dominic is compromised. I am under her employ now - and... she's very different from Darius. I get the feeling that she's... sadistic, in a way.

On another note, her choice of words is very... unusual, when she vaguely threatened me. 
Sadly, it turns out Mei Dominic perished before I could... ascertain her status.
Ophelia had a new mission for me, however... Nevermind. She disappeared before I got the chance to discuss it with her.

- 2022 AC-

Well. I guess my hunch was right - Chameleon did mean something. Ophelia was, well... a Faceless. I've only ever heard of them as myth, or in the shadows - but for one to be so close yet still going under the radar... That's something.
I've made no progress with the Essence. I know what I need, however. Riftmancy.

about the murder mansion once(if?) i go there
maybe some stuff about my friends. tobias sombra, acantho, et cetera. i haven't spoken to acantho in a while, maybe i should visit
maybe the investigation into solomon darius had me do? nothing transpired though.
details about the slumpage disguise? just in case people try to investigate her once i'm dead
the fact that i'm technically the oracle's secretary. and of astra/umbra's knight captains. wow. i kinda do alot while still doing nothing important, huh? i should step it up

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
Amber count: 693 (or 770)
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