The problem arises when someone without a skill issue picks up the same build.

[Image: unknown.png]
let's make pyroclasm have the charge up it did in spires.
let's make it so that you can walk out of the combo of whip beam like it was intended.

make all stuns intermed.
Just remove stuns from the game.
(10-12-2022, 06:26 AM)Shadovarn Wrote: Just remove stuns from the game.

=/ If only
ur.com/vcmm6[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
I've played whip beam on all my characters since it was made broken (lingering stun on beams). It's become so stale to think about builds when almost every build would improve by losing two bar slots to put in whip and beam.

Please, make the instant cast stuns GCD and force people to play Caster in order to get a follow-up. You can play around roots, you can play around bone jav. You can't play around instant cast blink and stun consistently, ever.

And remove the stun at the end of the beam off. Turns it from a 21-30 spell damage hit to 36-45 with a follow-up.
(10-12-2022, 05:48 AM)VibeEntertainment Wrote: As was said in the original post, kiters and kite based builds are equally as bad as "Lightspeed" stun combo users.

Kiters effectively and effeciently can out perform Armed/Unarmed/Mage(Non-Kite/Non-Lightspeed) builds consistently.

Because they avoid, damage as long as you're doing it correctly and not getting baited by strafing or clear bait tactics.

Lightspeed with it's current range is OKAY.

The issue is as Bog said, is that it's commonly being used with Whips or Pyroclasm. Adding some CD on the use of stuns/roots or whatever to make it so people don't lose 30-40% HP is all fair and good, but when you land that combo and sit back and wait for it again, it's predictable and there are a CRAP ton of options to avoid such a predictable thing.

Saving Warcry Active
Phantom Strike
Evicserate(However it's spelled)
Shockwave (Any of it's varients)
Even drags. (You can quite literally do a skill like Cascade to anyone who Lightspeeds on you EVERY single time they do it and guess what?)

Now you're conditioning them to wait till you use your other skills. I fought someone who is using Lightspeed+ Water Whip into and Tidal and everytime they LS'ed they got punished to the point they stopped using it and tried walking up to me to whip beam.

Lightspeed right now is okay, landing it into whatever combo is a thing sucks, yes. Losing 30-40% HP is pretty wild.

But this boils down to build difference now. You can still beat anyone who's using such a build/cheese. Whether it's harder for you to accomplish or not is solely up to how you verb and what you have in your kit to deal with it IMO.

You can't react to Lightspeed with Warcry, Eviscerate or Shockwave. The only reason Phantom Strike counters it is because it has a short range, meaning you can spam it to instantly blink out of a Lightspeed. Try this with Eviscerate and you'll just end up using it before they Lightspeed.

This is unique to Phantom Strikes and Assault. Everything else requires anticipation, not reaction. If the Lightspeed user is good, you'll end up sending defensives into the abyss.
Lightspeed is indeed not a spell you can react to, only predict.

Moreover, predicting it isn't as easy as some people noted. It all depends on how much pressure the lightspeed user is giving on the opponent until they crack and use a defensive to try and avoid an incoming attack they predict is going to come.

Quick edit: It may be needed to talk about QGCDE root moves too, since those will pin you down for a beam just like the gcde stuns.
(10-12-2022, 08:03 AM)Detective100 Wrote: Lightspeed is indeed not a spell you can react to, only predict.

Moreover, predicting it isn't as easy as some people noted. It all depends on how much pressure the lightspeed user is giving on the opponent until they crack and use a defensive to try and avoid an incoming attack they predict is going to come.

Quick edit: It may be needed to talk about QGCDE root moves too, since those will pin you down for a beam just like the gcde stuns.

The HUGE difference is that while rooted you have a lot of counterplays. You can react and press an invincibility, block, use assault or phantom etc. You can react to the sound of the whip with a bigger leeway. 

When it comes to water whip that fulls on stun you or other stuns like that once it hits its too late.
All your suggestions suck. You haven't managed to find a single good idea in two pages that wouldn't cuck one way or another other trees unrelated to Light.

The problem to solve : Lightspeed can't be reacted to or anticipated.

The solution : Add a 2-3 seconds charge animation like sears before the spell makes you teleport.

That way, Lightspeed remains revelant and people will know when it will happen and have time to prepare for an answer. Be it an invul, an aoe or a block. It really wasn't that difficult to figure out. Thank God none of you balance this game.
My suggestion is to give it a better audio cue that happens before the teleport, so it feels nice and good to react to (the teleport would need to have a bit of a delay before it happens, obviously).
Visual effects sometimes get fucked by aura overlay problems as seen with Nephilim's racials.

On another note, Bog's suggestion is the best one.
[Image: pyvdcgkx65y.png]
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