Morg.'Final' Ascending
[Image: Final.png]

[Image: pqp.png]

Even inside of a tower made out of bones from a dead god, the influence of others can be easily noticed upon each floors.

Space is what completes everything and by such, the extension of the influence of Amier is infinte.

With enought luck, those who wished to bend both space and gravity would find themselves in th
e right place and at the right time.

Quote:"We have heard plenty of times in which numerous groups or factions went towards za deepest parts of za Tower."

"It would be wrong of us to not do za same, as we are za facility of progress, we cannot allow ourselves to fall behind."

"It's time we climb za tower."

For those who walked around the gigantic tower, the distant sound of machinery could be heard.

A small outpost would be raised by the orders of a certain green Rat.

A squad from Final Frontier would've have walked away from the desert, planning to go deep into the tower.

Were it treasury or despair that they would find? Only the tower could know and such... kepts its secrets hidden from the world.

Attendees: Arty and the Gang.
Tone: Space Discovery, Other-Dimentional, Blackholes (A LOT). 

Rewards: Amier and Blackhole Dev?
DM: Choose us!!!
It seems like someone locked the Tower... 
Back to looking for a Dm with the key.
I'll be hosting this event.
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