OichaSeafarer's Journey
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Seafarer's Journey
Quote:"Well, I had been meaning to brush up on my lessons.

A medallion with wayfinding runes seems a good enough reason to stop procrastinating.

Who knows, we might find even more odd treasure beyond the portal."

A small group of adventurers from Dal'Thala had followed the riddles of an old pirate's map. Finding a peculiar medallion and lantern for their troubles.

A medallion with a set of paired wayfinding runes.

After a few years with her nose pressed back into her notes, the portal is powered and stabilized.

A foreign beach awaits the new group of adventurers.

Let's go on another treasure hunt, shall we?
Attendees: Ushinawareta, others invited IC.
Risk: HCoI, what kind of pirate wouldn't have traps around their treasure?
Tone: Riddles, Puzzles, Treasure Hunting
Reward: DM's Discretion
DM: This could be you. If you like that sort of thing.

Contact me at Oicha@4102 
A DM has been found, thank you all for viewing.
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