NeatherRealmerTyranny of Chaos - Vdalion vs Menagerie
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Whispers churned among the lands, truth falling in Fire. An event within the Menagerie had foreshadowed what was to come, embers starting to fall free as the black smoke of the Mountain started to bellow. An orange gaze befall the lands beneath while Giants stirred and banners were strung, the rumours were certainly true. Forces rallied to the Flame Prince's Command as they would see his words forged.
"All of this country, all of these people. Adorable little ants that cannot fathom the reality of fire breaching beyond the confines of their meagre and fragile little lives. A world cast forth in a mighty blaze as ash chokes the life free of plant and youth alike. This is what I vow to forge, a world on fire. For you people, all of you. Are but liars, cowards, thieves, and hypocrites. And I say no more Meranthe.
No more."
Vdalion would march upon the Menagerie, through fire and death it would be seen into the ashes of history.
Date: TBD
Objective: Destruction of the Menagerie's outer defences in preparation for total annihilation.
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The lands of Meranthe will not be threatened by tyrants and necromancers.

An Era of Dark reigned over Meranthe and Aphros both, yet it will no longer.

Everywhere the light touches will be protected from that which seeks to undo us.

Menagerie provides much in means of stability and harmony upon Meranthe, as well as serving as a loyal ally.

By Enarr's values of leadership and honor, Aphros will stand as example of greater good for those which observe.

By Athelios' ideals of the World, we will not allow the further destruction of that which brings peace, balance, and life.

The terms of our treaty were to be upheld regardless, though the return of our Oracle only bolsters this decision-

-so cower, northerners, for this lion sleeps no longer.

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Duality reigns.
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While whispers and rumors preface the words from the North. It is with a thunderous and booming flair that Menagerie responds. Bards and Minstrels alike begin to play a new song, one of War. As the meetings of the Triumvirate cease their deliberations, it is Otto Gregoris who steps forward to deliver a few words. 

For someone so large you seem awfully invested in the affairs of 'ants' as you put it. 
You send back a fool's terms, desiring us to restore what you yourself broke within our city. I may be young, but I am no fool. 
But you certainly will be when you have to think about how you were rebuffed by artists and minstrels. 
You mistake our desire for peace as an unwillingness to fight. You mistake our desire for allies as a form of cowardice. 

And most importantly you mistake us for people who are afraid of you. 

I do so formally invite you to the lightshow, and to be the first to hear our War Song.

May Mestra bless the battle to come, we shall tell stories of it for the ages. 
'Glufdor's Folly' 
As to be expected... Menagerie will be defending it's borders from the coming incursion. 
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Friday 2nd - 6PM EST.
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