Nerdlord57A Call of the Night
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"While my fair Lady may seem distant, what she does for us- her Great Work? It is the greatest gift any of the Divine have provided to us."

Word would begin to gently spread of a wandering veiled clergyman who has made his rounds around Meranthe, visiting any town, city, or hamlet that would allow him entry. To those curious, words of the Night Mother and what she provides to the world and the realms beyond is offered. To even fewer, a gentle prayer is offered that seems to give on more confidence and grace as they continue their way unto the night! None seemed to be discriminated against from questioning- and all were welcome to ask about Gala to their heart's content.

For it is the duty of her Faithful to provide wisdom and guidance to those who may seek it.

Rumor has it that would one send a messenger bird out into the night sky to one known as 'Rakesh', it would somehow find it's way to this wandering Priest.

Message Nerdlord57#3717 on Discord or /message Rakesh in game if I'm online to organize a scene if you're interested!
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