Oyster.Technology in Esshar

Esshar is an advanced country- far into Eternia's existence now and without international conflict or perfect yokai to impede their growth. Though there has been plenty of strife and bloodlust in its history, there have also been large swathes of peace which has allowed the country to thrive.

Rather than writing a history and discussion of the progress of technology in this country, I'll take the time in this thread to go through various items, whether they exist and how advanced they are. Some IC examples for particularly famous works will also be suggested. Feel free to leave feedback!


Part One: Non-Magical Advances

Guns: Let's get it out of the way fast. Non-magical guns do not exist, or if they do are in all respects inferior to actual magical weapons. Chance said some time ago that gunpowder doesn't exist; this is what I'll presume to be the case for now.

Medicine: Esshar continues to rely on potions and herbal remedies rather than advancing into any sort of pills. Experimental ability enhancing pills are a possibility for a dedicated scientist to develop. Health in the country depends highly on social status and access to actual doctors as opposed to the quacks that roam the disease ridden slums.

Mechanical: Even the most basic of fixtures such as street lamps have a history rooted in magic. With so much of Esshar's population having magical potential, low level items are abundant and there is no real advancement in the form of traditional machinery.

Luxury: There's a few things we can assume Esshar does have. Advanced irrigation systems and half decent toilets, solid construction, a late understanding of agriculture. There are pens, there are ovens, there are simple mechanisms for convenience in ones house and job.

Part Two: Common Magitech

Magitech is the combination of mundane items with magical runes. Powerful conductive metals such as mithril are used as a basis, carved out in specific ways and then inlaid with magic to enhance their ability. Runewriting is the primary source of these creations; the runes carved upon a sword can be the difference between ordinary steel and steel that ignites at the slightest application of magic. Those that have mastered runewriting can go on to create incredible inventions. Expert smithing is required to ensue the item doesn't shatter after runic application, and alchemy is often involved for special oils or elixirs that help the items function properly without constant energy being funneled.

Guns, again: Since time immemorial the aesthetic of a firing cylinder has caught the imagination of many an uprising magi. Many like to use these 'guns' as their focal points for magic due to their stylish nature or the extra power and accuracy they can provide. These are the guns that Esshar has to offer- so long as they do not look too outlandish or scientific and operate on the simple notion of magical enhancement or directing. They can be as small as a pistol or as large as ... something large. Such weapons are fairly rare as they don't come in a standard model and are custom tailored to each request.

Luxury: Most magitech items are expensive and would never be seen in the slums, save for some seedy pawn shop. They include things such as cameras, rudimentary replacement limbs, special locks and advanced writing tools. A magitech item typically takes the form of a regular object that has been enhanced to work beyond its capacity. A common example is a rune on a counter used to boil water quickly. also lamp thank matthew

Part Three: Advanced Magitech

Warfare: Those with the privilege of both money and magic can find plenty of ways to enhance themselves with magitech items. Small gadgets charged with enough energy for a single use to emit sharp zaps, grappling wires, enhanced armour and other unconventional items. It is difficult to list many as no standard exists and the eccentrics that indulge in such items are all very individual.

Superior Replacement Limbs:  Perhaps the most well known of magitech applications, replacements to limbs of decorated heroes or wealthy nobles. Sleek, powerful designs mirror or even surpass simple flesh and are a symbol of status as much as they are a tool of war.

Grand Creations: Airships, proximity defense systems, rudimentary autocarriages, portable cover... most of these inventions never leave the prototype phase. The airship in particular was considered too vulnerable for the benefits it would bring as a mere trade vessel. Rumors abound that some still exist within the dark mechanical labs of the capital, fitted solely for war should an enemy ever approach their shores.

Part Four: Forbidden Magitech

The following are examples of projects that must not be undertaken at any cost. The mere preparation of such an endeavor is a capital crime and all trace of your work and history will be eliminated alongside any involved parties.

IC-wise most people are unaware that such feats are possible at all.

Artifical Life: Any attempt to transfer souls to an inanimate host, or to create life out of nothing, is the gravest of sin against both the stars and the state. This eschewed form of necromancy has never officially been recognized and scholars debate whether it is even possible at all. The mad failings of Dr. Essenstram in 1208 and his claim at having perfected the cybernetic human have led to a hash crackdown at any mention of such work.

Agarthan "Empty Grave" Weaponry: It goes without saying that any spire shards from the recently united alliance on Agartha are closely monitored and allowed only to the most trusted of individuals. These divine crystals are highly temperamental and their main purpose has unsurprisingly been turned to war. Recently highly dangerous weapons have escaped Agartha and found their way to other countries. These "Empty Grave" weapons include bombs of cataclysmic proportions and weapons that expand the entirety of a magi's weaponry in single, deadly blasts appropriate to level entire cities. None have been found in Esshar so far and the agents of House Grimmore intend to keep it that way.

Valmasian Experimental Technology: Similar to the Agarthan tools yet on a much lower scale, the technology of the old Azraelite empire on Valmasia is heretical and not to be studied, much less used or tampered with. Even seemingly benign innovations by the former kingdom of darkness are contraband of the highest degree.
Quote:Part Five: Creating Magitech

So you've read this far, took in all that's been written and decided that your character goal will be to advance this field! It's been a common end goal on both Spires and Eternia with effects ranging from personal to country shaping.

When it comes to developing your own brand of something, or something entirely unknown, your first stop should be administration to see if such a thing is even possible. Once you've laid a baseline, treat it as any other application with high standards. Including events is always helpful.

There's no limit to how far you can take it! Well, other than practical limits in the setting. And trying to arm every non magi with a gun to usher in an age of revolution. That probably won't happen.
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