SuwuperThe Chronicles of Chad / The Biography of the Best
Authors Note:
This biography has been bought and paid for by Chadwick Adonis and is an on-going work while the subject still lives for the given reason:
'A man so extraordinary the historians could not wait to pen his accomplishments before his end.'
The following biography is intellectual property of Chad Incorporated, any and all forgeries will be met with legal action.

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On the myth.
Though the circumstances of his birth are mysterious to all but Chadwick Adonis himself, the agreed upon consensus is that he was born during a lightning storm so fierce it tore asunder the sky itself.
From this celestial tear descended an infant enveloped in light and warmth, its descent ending when the babe gracefully landed upon our world - and at that very moment - a choir of angels sang a harmony more beautiful than the most accomplished musicians could ever hope to compose, before the tear sealed and all went quiet again.
Following this his developing years are a mystery up until his twelfth birthday, in which he bested an Ogre in single handed combat effortlessly and was knighted by the local King and rewarded with riches beyond comprehension.
But it was all too simple for the golden child, he was always striving for more, and thus he made for Meranthe, confident that one day it soon would be singing his praises and leaving gifts at his feet.

On the man.
Ever well groomed and beautiful, Chadwick credits his youthful and unblemished skin to his habit of moisturizing with Fairy Dust, along-side being predestined for greatness.
A true savant unbound to any one trade or talent, as intellectually towering as he is physically imposing, swift and charismatic. His generosity and unbudging morals are spoken of in all lands worth mentioning.
He is truly great, it cannot be denied.

On the prophecy.
Though none would be foolish enough to question the greatness of Chadwick Adonis, one question remains shrouded in mystery;
Is he the chosen one?
A prophecy speaks of a golden haired hero born within a storm he would rid the world of evil and ascend to the heavens, taking with him his faithful followers. Though it is impossible to say for sure if Chadwick is this man, the signs are all there, so I ask, if not him... Then who?

Authors Note:
Remain calm as Volume II is being written, you will have it soon enough.

If you wish to own a copy of 'THE CHRONICLES OF CHAD, VOLUME I', address a letter to Chadwick Adonis (The postal address for Chadwick Incorporated) and a delivery can be organised for the low price of 500 coins!
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