KalUnarmed overhaul
As it stands, I personally believe Unarmed, while not being the worst thing to exist, also isn't the greatest. Depending on what you couple it with, it can be decent to use, or a nightmare. Standalone, the tree is not all that good in my opinion though and is more or less, dull to fight with, easy to predict with how the tree is lain out and doesnt really have much of a gimmick compared to its former self.

I think a few things could be done with it really
-Lariat: While being informed that it does have a stun, has only a half a second one, compared to what it did before and for a skill that triggers GCD, makes it ineffective to combo with and rather unrewarding for an intermediate spell or even as something that could serve as something to finish off a combo, that aside from that and (maybe?) damage, is basically just flying kick thrown into the tree a second time.
 -Lariat should either, get an increase in stun time, it's the only one the tree has but that aspect is mostly obsolete now or have some kind of replacement or other tweak.

-Weighted Punch: Make it GCDE again, even if it means decreasing it's damage by a bit and maybe remove the fact that it to, is a dash. The GCD ruined a good bit of combo potential it had and rather as something for a combo opener, or something to allow the continuation, at most it will allow you to use, a single move while having to backpedal while it has GCD.
 -Alternative if GCD is kept, increase the time it slows and gives -DR.

-I seen a rather decent suggestion tossed out for a move that could instead of dragging someone with you, knock them away(like galeforce but not being a ranged projectile) and use this as a replacement or addition to the tree and something to act as more of a finisher. Lack of variety is something Unarmed suffers from a lot in my opinion and having some replacements, or tweaks would do the tree some good.

Those are the ideas I have currently for something to improve and restore the tree that got nerfed quite a bit back when spells were a lot more scarce, stuns needed to be tweaked(because you could chain stuns and unarmed was quite broken between tackle and flying kick alone at that time) and most people used fairly similar magics unless they apped before the magic changes.
Weighted punch doesn't need GCDE again, it's in a fine spot and doesn't need to be part of a mass combo. The CD is good for its damage, just dip in and out.

Lariat probably needs half a second added to its stun or some more damage, and it'll be fine.
Lariat just needs a longer stun time to factor in the GCD you gain when you use it.

Upping its damage would not make any sense because it'd just end up as a public Spiral Bomb.

-Fix the stun timer.

Weighted Punch? Turn it into a Powersmash-esque type skill(?). Unarmed at this point is literally just dashes. No real variety. Especially since the actual 'Dash' Strike skill isn't even in the tree. All of them are just short-range dashes which need you to be ON TOP of your opponent to do any real damage. I also know someone's going to mention Jab. And honestly? Leave it.
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