OneBrainCellA DM with OneBrainCell
Character: Fantasy P Kasca
Which Event: A Search

Responsiveness: 10/10

Balance: I didn't go down once, or get injured on puzzles. No comment.

Storytelling: Outstanding. Always love stories from events.

Fairness: No comment.

Overall: 100/10 Run my events please Confusedob:[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
Character: Sasha Cron
Which Event: A Search

Responsiveness: 10/10

Balance: Music puzzles are the bane of gamers everywhere. 10/10 though. The final fight FELT like the promised "Prepare to Die"

Storytelling: Actually a wild time, especially tying in other nations and making characters for the story for puzzles. Truly a wild time.

Fairness: We are not gonna talk about the last puzzle chart. Tongueray: 9.9/10 Small rooms are scary

Character: Adrian Alinteau
Which Event: A Search

Responsiveness: 10/10. Always had something to do. For an event that took 7 hours, they truly flew by.

Balance: 10/10 I think our team composition was beyond perfect for EC battling. Had any of us been bad with our TCs/Healing then this totally would've been a wipe. Butt was clenched many a times.

Storytelling: Incredible! It was a vault hunt like what was sort of expected. It felt personal while also playing into the narrative of what we were doing. The DM didn't really hold our hand during the puzzles either... Which haha.. We won't talk about. (They were great)

Fairness: Wild.

Overall: 10/10 Always a fun time to be delivered no matter the subject of the ongoing event. Interactive and fulfilling. Much appreciated for spending the evening doing this for us!
[Image: sparklegif.gif]
Character: your son
Which Event: A Search

Responsiveness: 10/10; relatively quick to respond and easy to work with and flexible.

Balance: i hate your puzzles. the first one i missed barely and may have solved quickly, but i was terrified, horrified, scared, and thought that i would not make it past these things, then i smiled as i just turned my brain off and believed in my autist powers. your bosses? however? spam me with aoes again, ill call you a slur like u did to me

Storytelling: love them storytelling

Fairness: u should've killed adrian :100:

Overall: 11/10
Character: Margot Mikos
Which Event: A Search

Responsiveness: Very fast responses, we probably took more time overall than you did *sweats*.

Balance: The balance felt nice, nothing felt entirely overwhelming but just close enough to that perfect edge of 'if I make a mistake I die' that I enjoy when it comes to EC battles. Very high props in the way you handle your ECs and the way you pilot them. The traps were also fantastic, and I loved the callback to the skulls near the end that were at the start.

Storytelling: This was a very special event to me, and to Margot of course, and it was entirely well worth the wait. It felt like everyone and everything had a moment where it was relevant, and the way you took whatever we did and ran with it was impressive even when we talked ourselves into overthinking the most simple stuff. You were very patient with us, and humored our tomfoolery. The tale is one that spanned many centuries, and I feel you did it all justice.

Fairness: I have no reason in the world to complain about fairness, there was a high chance of risk for a high chance of reward and in some regards we got extremely lucky. A less prepared group would have probably suffered.

Overall: 12/10 Highly recommend, and I appreciate you for sticking it out and running it for us at all. Many hugs.
Character: Melionette Meandersong
Which Event: House of Emotion

Responsiveness: Very fast. 10/10
Balance: Very good balance, barely won most fights, but in a 'if I played any worse it would have been extremely close, so I had to put effort in' sort of way. 10/10

Storytelling: Very good story, simple enough for my tiny brain to strain but not explode. The riddles & temple structure were fascinating and made us have to think deeply! The solutions were not outwardly presented - we very much had to find them!

Fairness: I believe this was very fair!

Extra notes: Kakku got his anime moment, yay!!!

Overall: 13/10 (must beat little firebird's rating because it was genuinely a very good time)
[Image: no%20dumb.png]
Character: Kakku Alinteau
Which Event: House of Emotion

Responsiveness: Decently fast, but my only wish is for you to say something so I know when you're narrating! It's small, but sometimes I'm just yapping because idk when you're doing it. 9/10

Balance: The balance? It was good, but see, I made things harder by overlapping cosmic tiles and got to watch my friends die. Kinda funny though. 10/10

Storytelling: To the point, simple and never overstayed it's welcome. I did like a good portion of this, but I think it shined the most when the simple act of showing something lead to an interesting reaction from a character. 10/10

Fairness: Pretty fair event. My ring has a pretty sprite. :)

Extra notes: I should've eaten reverius.

Overall: 9/10, very good event!!!!
Character: Emilia Alinteau

Which Event: House of Emotion

Responsiveness: It was fast, and smooth. I had no issues with it. 10/10

Balance: It was great, I think we struggled a bit one round but other than that it was all fair and square. 10/10

Storytelling: I loved the story; it was awesome and especially since it helped each and every one of us along the way. Such an emotional but also wholesome event. 10/10

Fairness: It was fair and square, and the rewards were extremely cute. <333333333 10/10

Extra notes: Such a great event, it didn't bore me one bit. especially since I was running on a 3 hrs  of  sleep and everyone was fine with delaying it so I can make it after settling in home after work. 10/10
Overall: 10/10! Awesome event, loved it very much <333
[Image: unknown.png][Image: unknown.png]
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