1r5Tzitzeril's Farewell
[Image: tzit_note.png]
A single note was posted upon the door of the house that once belonged to the Sirenian that lived there, Tzitzeril Lure-Maw. She, herself, is nowhere to be found, and from the note, it's evident as to why.

Hi. It's Tzit.

I know this may come as a surprise to everyone, but by the time you're reading this, I've left Meranthe, and I don't think I'm coming back.
Now, before you all start bawling and crying out into the sea asking Inki to deliver me back - I don't think he will.

I hate to admit it, but... I've lost my connection to him. And I'm trying to get it back - but I don't think Meranthe is the right place for me to do this. With the Sunken Order swimming around the waters, it's already a pernicious task - but if it were only them, I would barely give a damn. The real reason why I think I shouldn't be in Meranthe, is, well... everything else. My failures as a follower of Inki, and as a Siren.

When I arrived in Meranthe, I had but a few simple goals: return Inki to his former state, and help found a community of Sirenians away from the Capital, striving to be better than them. As you can tell, Inki isn't back... though the other thing requires more nuance.

If you've never been to New Atlantis, it's a sight to behold. Beautiful architecture, blending stone and coral. Towering cities, beautiful temples held up by columns of marble or floating thanks to blessed coral, lively squares - if it weren't for the overpopulation, it's an actual paradise. Sadly, however, we don't live in a perfect world - and overpopulated it is. Honestly? I don't give two shits about overpopulation if it just didn't end in the following: the ACTUAL problem facing New Atlantis and Sirenian culture as a whole.


The Clans have been - and still are busy solving the overpopulation problem since before I was born, and it shows. Many people live day-to-day, uncaring about what tomorrow could bring. Their lives are dull, doing the same thing each day and hoping something different will happen at some point. But it never comes.
The Clans don't care about pushing boundaries, they don't care about progress and innovation. They're just trying to get the city to grow endlessly to curb the overpopulation issue.  And therein lies the issue - that's half the reason of why I left (the other half being lack of respect for Inki). I was hoping, that as a nomad, I could perhaps raise a Sirenian city, a bastion of Sirenian culture outside the Capital, with updated beliefs (cough cough, Inki worship), and actual progress.
Sadly, as I now sit here in my house in Port Fortune, it's come to my attention that I failed this in every aspect. We - as the survivors of the shipwreck, and Sirenians in general - started to define us by our persecution by the Sunken Order. We hid in Port Fortune, hoping for this calamity to pass. Yet it never truly did.
I did the very same thing I wished to avoid - stagnate. And with the dwindling population of Sirenia in Port Fortune, I believe the time where I could fulfill my promises to myself here had passed, regrettably.

We were silent. We were quiet. We had plans we never fulfilled. I remember talking about this one legendary artifact - the Squirtmaster 9000X, and wishing to recreate it... I never did. Hell, even restoring my ocarina, or making a new one, that never happened as well.
Our silence and complacency bred stagnation, and I regret sitting on my ass as well. But there's no chance for me to amend this wrong. At least, not here in Meranthe.

So, I've left. I hope you can understand.

Stede, Camino, Ren, and the rest of the Southern Seas Company - thank you for being there for us. Your hospitality is what kept me alive to this day - I'm sure the cult would've flayed me alive if it wasn't for you lot. You can have whatever's in the house, though I ask you to give some of it to the other Sirenians.

Maliyah, Ratha, Tsui, Kaleisha, Yndi - I'm not certain if all of you are even around anymore, but... thank you for believing in me, or at least tolerating me and my rants about Inki. I wish the Capital had more people like you lot - at least in the way I describe.
And... I'm sorry I failed you, Yndi.

Nerin... If you want to see me, I'm planning to head back to the capital after a short stop in Izhura. There's a lady who does some crafting in the residential area of the Galene'lgis district, located around the northwestern part of the Capital, near to the surface. Her name is Alirini Nimble-Fin, recognizable by her double eyepatches. She knows my whereabouts, and I visit her from time to time. I'm sure she'll let you stay there until I come along. I miss you, and I love you. I hope you're safe and alive.

To anyone reading this that has an interest in worshipping Inki, I've left a book with the basics of what you need to know. I wish you the best of luck in your journey, for I know it is long. I hope you'll do better than me.

And Jennifer, if you somehow manage to return to Port and read this: I hope you pay for what you did to Manta. Same goes for you, K'thul.

There are, of course, those whose names elude me right now. To you I wish all luck in your further endeavours. I'm sorry I can't name you lot.

Well then, with that (and the fact that my ink is running out), I bid you all farewell. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

May the Great Whale watch over you all,

Tzitzeril "Violet" Lure-Maw

p.s. Those weapons with questionable names were acquired from the Sunken Order. Take that as you will. I did not name them.

(OOC: Hi. I'm sorry for abandoning Tzitzeril, but I've come to the realization that... I'm really bad at faith stuff. And for a character who revolves around, well, faith, I... don't think I can play her anymore. I got burnt out on her. I'm sorry if you wanted to talk to her but couldn't.)
(final amber count:200)

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
Amber count: 693 (or 770)
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