Sanguine415Half Chewed Journal
Drifting through the depths of the ocean is a moldy, moss ridden journal, bound by leather of an abominable source that could only be from the depths of the sea. It regularly seems to elude its owner until a moment of revelation, and so it is that many could discover it swept up upon murky shorelines. It never seemed to remain for long, however, for the pull of the dark tide defies reality and light.

Quote:"WATERLAW. WATERLAW. WATERLAW. WATERLAW. Father say true name have POWER! So must write thousand thousand times, make Waterlaw invincible! But...tired. Want write other things. Hungry too....mmm, leather always grow back, good chew. 

Learn think by day. HATE WHITECLOAKS. Learn think by night. HATE WHITECLOAKS. Stinksy falsens, dirty longshanks, sea worms. Will have VENGEANCE. But..Waterlaw waterealize, will need to grow. Even Waterlaw Super Water Cannon of Doom only seem to make enemies WET, not explode. Hate think, hate grow. HATE POWER.


Waterlaw hungry. Eat fish. Writing over. Talk soon father deep. Be proud of son. PROUD OF SON."

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