DandeliDiary ($0, 0kg, Lost In Transit)
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If, once upon a time a girl scrawled out thoughts upon parchment, perhaps it would look like this.
Or perhaps it would not. In one of the many realities, it would, though. Of this she is sure!

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2024 AC
My name is Maki Miyazono. I am one of House Hino's retainers. They seemed amicable to allow me into their employ regardless of my inexperience and lack of qualifications. They are a house that earned it's status not through being ascribed but through merit. Miss Suzuki is kind to me and gives me warm food and a place to sleep and live in exchange for my service. I am very happy to be wanted in House Hino, and it has served a great way for me to re-acclimatise myself with the world. I have refused to tell them my history but they seemingly don't mind too much. My previous employers will be sad to know I receive a wage and get to eat free of charge. They will also be sad to know I am not scolded nor do I receive harsh repercussions upon my failings, as Miss Suzuki acknowledges them as important stages of my growth.

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2025 AC
My name is Cabbage and I have a lot of people that keep on abducting me and then telling me they are good people. They are strange and I don't understand but through being dragged all these places I am beginning to find myself curious about what all these other strange lands have. Maybe it is mere tradition and culturally acceptable to forcefully subject people to their land and their strange jokes about the stealing of livers, kidneys and stewing people alive. While I do not think I will return, the giant with the watering can was nice, and had an amusing laugh. The martial artist also gave me a kitty cat, which I do not think I will be able to look after all the time but I will try my best and keep it out of House Hino so they are not burdened. The giant lady scares me but I think she's secretly a kind person, though maybe I misjudge her character. After all, she did drag me like a sack of potatoes.

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2025 AC
My name is not Lettuce and I am a member of Fritz's sailor crew. I have been employed as a deckhand SLASH sous chef SLASH tea maiden SLASH sailor-specialised archivist. While I initially joined to merely be able to gather supplies and gain experience to help House Hino to a greater extent I find myself growing fond of these people I think are best titled my 'friends'. Fritz Caewynn is strange and wanted me to be her surgeon and also used her royal privilege to force me to give her an eye test but I am happy I have been able to help her. Thomas Fox is a nice person even if he was making that silly list with Koa. I feel safe around them. They like me unconditionally, which is a strange thing. While I try to stay professional, I find them making me relaxed without realising.

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2029 AC
My name is Kelp. I have disappeared into the shadows! I hide beneath your floorboard's floorboards! I hide between the secret nook between my old employer's cabinets! I hide inside the funky looking plant pots! You will not find me. I have reason to go on that goes beyond life's normalcies and monotony! I have decided to not be wasteful and to squander this mortal vessel I have been given for this life!!! In recognition of my faults, I know I can change them!! In recognition of the world's faults, I am free and liberated!!!! I will not be returning to House Hino, I like these new people. They are well-meaning. They proceed with justified purpose. And they are more than able sympathise, regardless of the labels pasted on them. I know it is improper, but I would secretly call them 'friends' too.
I realise what has been kept from me, and I realise that stubbornness and sticking to a side would have lead me to a life of unblissful ignorance. Free from the knowing I am not falling into life's pitfalls and living a life of futility and vanity, only to be remade to re-join in the same cycle of chaos, I can smile. : )
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