AveePain Full Thoughts
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Pylae is the icon of hope?
I've questioned this in the past, when I was younger. A foolish girl brought to foolish conclusions in a great nation where my every need was met. I'd not seen the the world outside of our borders. I'd not experienced the pain of a people so devoid of our Queen's radiant light.

I didn't even know they existed. These wretches were as a fairy tale. Poor unfortunate souls, to live in squalor and wretched states. Some even consider themselves advanced! Aligned with consideration, we are as superior to them as the living are to the dead. They are barely awakened to the radiance of my Lord and my Queen. How could they possibly consider themselves to be our equals?

They claim to have reached some ambiguity with the occult, some understanding. Mutualism, and dare I say kindness with the heretics. It's disgusting. A cancerous tumor that festers in these lands, pulsing, growing, slowly choking out the light and life.

It is even now at my young age I no longer question it.

Pylae is the icon of hope.

What is good? I then ask myself, reflecting upon the sermons long held in my memory, in my mind.

Am I to feed the hungry?

Am I to heal the sick?

These things are good, they bring hope. They are of Pylae as I am of Pylae. The central tenants say many things, but they all ultimately amount to what is good. Not this malicious notion of the  'greater good' as some cheap excuse to commit sinful acts. I despise the sentiment of this 'greater good'. It is as a wound which cannot heal. A challenge given to men by Pylae to test their drive for what is truly good and right. It pushes those of radiance away from the true path, onto a path of half-measures and willful ignorance. 

This 'greater good' is what drives wretches into considering an occultist to be a friendly face, to be spoken with and understood, rather than ostracized and executed. 

The true path is simple.

Find what is evil, what is not good, and remove it from the societal equation.

Occultists should be burned, their ashes collected and burned again with a white-hot flame. This cleansed potash will be used to fertilize the fields and feed the hungry. This benefits both the occultist and the world. The occultist may in their sactified purification, contribute at least some modicum of value to the world.

Solutions such as these? They are the answer. They are very simple solutions to very simple problems. Everyone benefits, even the occultist. Thusly, it is good. The hungry are hungry no longer. They hungry are then given hope and happiness with the purification of every occultist.

The purification of occultists brings hope. The purification of occultists beings light. The purification of occultists brings inspiration.
It stands in conclusion that the purification of occultists, demons, cambion, any of it, it Pylae's will.

I must see it done.
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