1r5Letters From a Felonous Felinae
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Quote:Hi mom, dad, and my dearest sister Cyllistis!

It's been, what, six, seven years since I left for Meranthe, huh? You lot must've been worried sick! I'm sorry for not letting you guys know earlier. I'm a little forgetful, eheh.
That being said, Meranthe is great! There's alot to do here - and a lot more I CAN do here, too, with the fact that most people don't seem to, y'know, hate our kind. The people here are nice! For the most part, at least. There's a few I'm not so privy to... But I did try to rob them, so that's fair.

I know, I promised I wouldn't start doing crimes again, but it's really hard to get your footing without money. I did meet alot of interesting people, though! There's Cael, he wanted to be a pirate with me, and we started out pretty well - though, I don't really know where he is now, sadly - and there's miss Fritz, too! She's an actual privateer! She took me in as her apprentice, and I'm really grateful to her for that! I get a salary and everything! I wish I could do more for her... Maybe I could ask her about the basics of navigation? Either way - Life's been great! Or, at least better than in Aen. I would love to have brought the lot of you along, but I know you guys have to take care of Gramps.

Speaking of which, enclosed in the package is about 2000c! It's not much, I know, but it should be enough to pay for his medicine. Besides - I'll be making it back soon enough, with a certain ("totally legal") poker tournament I'm hosting. I'll be sending some money from that as well, hopefully!

Either way, write me back! I hope to hear from you lot soon!



p.s. Typewriters are REALLY handy! You should steal one! I remember Lazkolat up in the city having one, and his office is right next to the city walls. He's usually home late on Sunday nights (Like, past 2AM). Good luck!

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
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