Shaqdaddy94Story of Bilbo (Recharga)
A man would begin to write down nervously as the demon spoke. Though the writing was shaky the words would clearly be noted down in the ink.  Sweat dripping on the paper. Clearly this seem to be forced.... probably.

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"Bilbo come across many things in the lands. Giant with no care in the world. Insane whited robed children screaming at Bilbo. Then the demon worshipping rabbit child. Bilbo is simply confused. Biblo growth been stagnant. Maybe not eat enough humans. Well, Biblo never got chance because always sent flying.

Bilbo in pain. Bilbo want to get stronger. Met people. Bilbo strong. Bilbo can do anything. Bilbo the best. Recharga.

The writing stops for the time being...
[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]
Once again, the man would be dragged into the room. This time shaken up but struggling to not lose his mind. As the demon breath was much more filled with rage. 

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"Ahhh human. Why do you look like that. Bilbo not mad at you. But write and make sure to not get it mess up. Bilbo has had stressful day. Though Bilbo met amazing people. Some cant mention because whited robes. But Olivia Bilbo likes her. She good to Bilbo. Menos is freak show. Freaks Bilbo out with his weird antics. Funny though.  First let's talk about the woman who came into home and was doing weird stuff. Bilbo didnt know fae were weirdos. Next was the bunch whited robed weirdos always around tower. Do they not have better things to do with life. 

Then oh don't let Bilbo get started on the one-handed axe user. He hurt Bilbo bad and said it was a dance. How do you dance with one hand dumb human."

The scared man was about to speak but a finger lifted. 

"You on Bilbo time not human time. Now then the next was the Silvanas one? Yeah seen bastard old man with bastard son who hurt Bilbo. Screaming oh you learn from taking my nephew. Bilbo may loss but Bilbo had last laugh when he saw Bilbo eating the potion he got from super alchemist. Bilbo mention what else Bilbo hates? Bilbo doesnt like being called weird. Bilbo is smart. Bilbo is great." 


The writing stops once again.
[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]

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The man would not be force in this time apparently. He would be waiting as the demon would come in and lay in the bed. 

"Bilbo day has been rough. VERY VERY ROUGH! FIRST BILBO FAVORITE PEOPLE WITH OTHER PEOPLE! THIS BILBO NEEDS...*sighs* This Bilbo apologizes to you. Bilbo has a lot of items that Bilbo tends to drop off and others not there to pick up. So, Bilbo wants answers on why missing. 

The next is a blue haired child who calls her Magres or Magrys?! Bilbo does not care if her name was just maggot! She dares to harm this Bilbo! That blue haired rag doll made a fool of the great Bilbo, but she gets hers soon. Oh, rest assure this Bilbo will find her. 

OH don't let Bilbo get started on the fae child. Bilbo so sick of fae children claiming they are this. They are that. The fae are good for one thing. Watching their home being destroyed. Good for nothing they are. Bilbo sick of antler having people even more. But Bilbo made sure that annoying child learned. This Bilbo doesn't like children because of their weak mana force but Biblo makes examples of those who dare to attack this Bilbo. She will learn now. 

The last...the lightning child and the annoying brat. The lightning child got this Bilbo good. He admits. Biblo enjoyed such to learn. But that child is far from finished with this Bilbo. This Bilbo is a god who doesnt disappoint the masses. This Bilbo will make sure him and his talkative friend regret coming across this mighty Bilbo. 


[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]
"Today is a good RECHARGA!"
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Bilbo would come in more excited with a big grin on his face. As the old man sat down with him once again. No longer nervous simply surprised by the strange demonic creature happy nature. 

"I bet you were expecting this Bilbo to be mad. But nope! Not today this Bilbo had quite a day today. Bilbo has been quite busy as always. 

1. This Bilbo got to see some of the favorite people today. They are a part of Bilbo territory and if anyone messes with Bilbo's territory Bilbo crushes them. 

2. Bilbo got to crush an annoying brat. Don't get Bilbo wrong it was a good effort star brat! We call that one that. Older brat but still they fought well but this Biblo was too strong!!!! Sent brat home with a present. 

3. Bilbo got to see a new favorite person fight against one Bilbo will call Mad Bear. It honestly was a battle Bilbo have to admit that made Bilbo crave more violence. But Mad Bear was not the one to land the big blow it was Bilbo's one of new favorite Myrasie. This Bilbo's proud of her.

Today a good day to be this Bilbo. Recharga!

[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]
Naw bro make Bilbo a Khan already.
Broken Recharga

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The old man would come sit in the room with the demon. But he looks to see others. Taking out the book he would sigh. It was time to begin. 

"How should this Biblo even begin. Ah This Biblo days have been so hard. First dealing with a human or dragon (lizard) that getting close to just makes things worse for Biblo. Literally Biblo feels like Hel right now. And Bilbo's from Hel! Then don't get Biblo started on the rude letter Biblo got! Stupid water user with white hair called Balrith stinky! Balrith is not stinky! He simply is...toxic! 

Bilbo is simply tired of coming up short! Biblo wants to become a kaor lord but how Biblo will do such with weak minions. Yes you little lesser one!"

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[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]
As the noise echoed through the land. The old man would sigh.  Closing the journal. 
"So you have finally found peace Biblo. That is good. Rest well and forever Recharga through time and find your next destination. Hel doesnt deserve you."

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[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]
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