DidosOakvale must BURN!
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After numerous changes in Abendrot since their last incursion, the demon troops were again seen moving across the land - this time, with a huge demon avian at the front of the horde, this being the newest Fel Khan!
The roar of the beasts of war and the stomping of the ground echoed through the lands of Meranthe as these beings marched towards the village of Oakvale! Their intention was clear: to bring that place to the ground..
And corrupt the land.. And this time, nothing will stop their advance.

Raid Time!
Date: TBD
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As scouts from the twilight city makes sense of the anomaly and the odd demonic pattern, there is horror and panic racing through the forests. Within Aphros the Oracle Hanzel Dominic speaks his words.

Quote:"Dedicate the blade, given unto your hand at the behest of the Athelios, to their destruction. Live only to bring cleansing fire. Take up your staff, your armors and go forth."

With no objections at the Council, orders too are emitted from the military and the faith.

-To defend Oakvale and purge Hel's advance.
The Horde Marches
Thursday, day 16
6 pm EST
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In the grand game of politics and warfare, Oakvale is your typical quaint village, one of many throughout Meranthe. Sometimes these small time hamlets are fortunate enough to escape the embers of warfare, but that is not always the case. With a population of just 1350 (comprised mostly of non-magi), it is perhaps most known for being the retreat of the famous Ackers family. Not much happens here... until now.

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