JeonsaA Standoff in Abendrot
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A Standoff in Abendrot

"“We are never prepared for so many to die. So you understand? No one is. We expect some chosen few. We expect an occasional empty chair, a toast to dear departed comrades. Victory celebrations for most of us, a hallowed death for a few. But the war goes on. And men die. The price gets ever higher. Some officers can pay no longer. We are prepared to lose some of us, but never all of us. But that is the trap. You can hold nothing back when you attack. You must commit yourself totally. And yet, if they all die, a man must ask himself, will it have been worth it?”

The First Skirmish of the War Commences

And so in Abendrot conflict has arisen. Friends fighting Friends. Brother against Brother. Mentor against Student. And to what ends? On the eve of a bloody struggle against Aen no less. Yet it was a conflict long in the waiting. Forces of the Witches begin to muster to arms. Flags of the Ordo Plaga fly high upon the area they have fortified. Now a stalemate has come. After the first initial Skirmish. Both sides find themselves in a standoff now. Perhaps awaiting the words of their Fel Khan to end the battle? Could it even come to such anymore? 

Only time could truly tell. 

Now lines are made. Forces begin to pour into which side they believe is right. Some deciding to stay out of the conflict entirely to focus on the Defense of Abendrot. The situation is not looking so bright. Fortifications within Abendrot are made, not for the enemy abroad. But for those fighting within. Could this spell its doom? Its downfall? Or could it be the coming of a new Era for the City. 

The Ordo Plaga
Quote:"The Witches have chosen their path. To follow the Prophet over those of Demon Kind. Over the orders bestowed upon me by the Fel Khan, our savior, our master, our king. Their leader K'thul Covets power for himself. Power to attempt to rival the Fel Khan himself. No Cambion, mortal, or even Demon has more power then the Fel Khan. None equal to him either. We of the Ordo stand stalwart, Loyal only to the Fel Khan to assert his claim and dominance over these Rebelling Witches. The Prophet has only Authority only his Ilk. Not over the claim of us other Demons. To go against such is to go against the Authority we as demons hold over mortals. That he claim's one I sent to create a spy network in the other cities has betrayed us. Yet with no evidence. Nor in consulting the Fel Khan on his decision between a feud in the different groups of Abendrot only goes to show this Witches hunger for Authority over us Demons. For the Fel Khan's rule to come. And that we Demons are to be dominant in these lands. We must show these Witches that wish to go against the natural order their places once more.

So Join me Kin. To the West of Abendrot where we make our stand to solidify the Fel Khans grasp upon Abendrot. To put these rebelling mortals back in their place. For none has more Authority then the Fel Khan. Not even the Prophet." - Plague Lord, Balrith

The Witches of Abendrot

Quote:"No traitor will find refuge within Abendrot, not even with demonkind. The deceitful will be made an example of." - The Prophet, K'thul

Though the Standoff continues. It seems now both sides await for the Fel Khan's words. Perhaps to break the Standoff. Or maybe it shall only accelerate the bloodshed to come. None the less. This conflict seems as if it will end up with lasting affects upon the City.
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