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All around the ports of Meranthe, papers were hammered - upon random streetlights, notice boards, the trees closeby the docks.
A manifesto against the empire of Aen.

Quote:Hear, folk of Aen; Cadets, navigators, soldiers – hear and listen to the truth that your empire dares not speak of!


I understand if your first reaction is shock or anger – but I urge you to read this paper in full. You were sent here on a holy mission – to cleanse Meranthe of its so-called ills. I ask – do you truly believe that is the goal of the empire? Meranthe has its fair share of issues, true – witchcraft, demons – but you can't possibly believe that to be the true motivation behind this operation into Meranthe.

While your superiors vehemently may deny this – their goal is none other than to garner more land for the empire of Aen, under the cover of spreading Pylae's so-called “light” across the land. For that, they've made use of you – conscripted into the military at a young age, and indoctrinated to believe that only Aen's cause is just.

Think. How old were you when you were sent to establish Lyonesse? Have you ever had time to consider world views other than that of Aen? Hel – Why were you sent there at such a young age in the first place?

You were cannon fodder.
Only there to gauge the strength of the forces of Meranthe. Your purpose was to die, so your superiors would not. Because what makes better cannon fodder than weak, incapable warriors that fight zealously?

If distaste for the empire brews itself in your mouth – good. Remember it. Because that's the taste they never want you to experience.

To the Beastkin conscripted – the above is even more true for you. When has Aen ever been kind to our race? Calling us “mutants”, “half-bloods”. The empire has committed atrocities against our kind in the name of the “purity of man” - torture, slavery, genocide, all because we “aren't human”, and thus "impure".
They think we're lesser.
We are not.
We're equals, but Aen would rather propagate senseless xenophobia rather than truly acknowledge your worth. You're worth more than they say you are, and don't ever forget that.

Soldiers of Aen, I implore you to lay down your weapons. Travel across Meranthe. Not through the lens of a soldier, but of a free person. And then, choose. After all the atrocities, the delusions, do you still want to remain with the empire? Or do you wish to be free? Respected not for your worth to the empire – but as you are?

Lay down your weapons – or better, turn them against your superiors. Leave the military of the expansionist empire of Aen.

Instead, come and travel the seas with the Nilhirra Grand Company. We welcome people of all walks of life, human or not. If you do not wish to – that's fine, Meranthe has various other great places.
But do not be a slave to Aen.

- M

Whether all that's written in this apparent manifesto is true or not is definitely uncertain, but two things are clear;
Whoever wrote this does not like Aen - and this was definitely ment to rile up some folk.

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
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