MetriceTwenty Four Hour forgiveness period for rent.
Hey there everyone. I'm sorry, really sorry to write like this. I just had a very hard month, came out to my family. Several were adamant on it being a choice, even went as far as to reject me for what I can't control. I came back onto the game last night, and wasn't warned by the system of low rent.
Then this morning when I came to pay rent, my house was purchased by another. I feel there could at least be some leniency maybe a twenty-four-hour period once rent is unpaid for you to come and fix the issue? Sadly, very important unique items that are necessary to my characters plans were in that house. I let a lot of people down, I'm sorry to everyone else I plotted out my schemes with. I should have been better; I just hope that things can change.

If I can't get this resolved, I will be taking a long break. I've just had too much stress, too much going on to stress myself out even more. I love this game, I enjoy the community and the flourishing growth of my writing, of my friendships. But I can't do this.
I'm sorry to write such a long suggestion, but to sum things up? A twenty-four-hour leniency period after rent is unpaid may help others from going through this. If it's not possible I completely understand, I also plan on returning to the game eventually if things aren't able to be solved. I get it, there's a reason this is a mechanic because characters die, they fade away, or they abandon houses. Thanks for reading through this long-winded post, I hope you all have a wonderful day! Kings and Queens, the lot of you!
TLDR: Extended forgiveness period for lack of rent paid.

(PS my ignorance was showing and I sent it as a reply to the original suggestion thread as well. But I do feel this warrants it's own thread, so I am re-posting it here. this is the reply to the other thread, I figured I would link it here.)
-Metrice will return eventually.
you didn't just come out of the closet, you were evicted from it
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
I'm not concerned with houses being stolen from people, but uniques should definitely be protected in some way.

It's ridiculous to allow a person to hog full sets of crazy gear by just robbing houses without any actual work when those items normally require an actual chance of permanent injury or even death, or large amounts of development. A dead guy's house sure, but a living guy's gear in it? Sheesh. Forget events, I'll just buy out all the houses I find.
Bad joke aside above aside, this ain't the first time I've seen it happening where someone loses all motivation because their house gets bought out without them realizing it is about to happen.

I understand why the house rent system exist, to help rotate the houses that exist to remain in the hands of active players. However, as seen here it has its flaws. One such flaw that I should mention is when new characters buy in a house for the first time. They end up wasting all of their coins for the upfront cost, and not have enough to pay the rent.
I had to bail one person out already by rebuying the house for them when due to IRl they couldn't log in the coming day to get the coins for rent.

For now, there are a couple suggestions I'll like to bring up in mind:

1. Have the warning about how many days your house has left for rent be posted each time you log in, rather than only once you have a couple of days left.
Something I noticed about such incidents, is that they happen due to a combination of the house not having many days of rent left combined with the owner having to go on a leave of absence for a period of time. The problem comes when they got to go  away for up to a week let's say, and and the amount of paid up rent is less than that.

Having the warning be visible each time a person logs in will help remind people about the rent, and keep close tabs around it.

2. When you first buy/rent a house, have the amount of days paid for rent be 10 instead of one.
It'll help avoid incidents of accidently losing a house you just bought, because you couldn't pay the rent at the time and was busy for the day for the day after.

3. Upon renting a house that was previously owned, put a gracing period where you can't move items in and out from the chests.
A twenty four hour period should do the trick.
This is to help stop rampant house buyings to take all the loot instead and then unown the house leaving no evidence behind.

That kind of grace period will also help those who aren't the owner that would care about his belongings, such as friends or fellow settlers, a chance to intervene. 
Remember, leader figures in a settlement have the ability to take ownership of a house if need be.
I'm one of the people who has lost motivation on a character because someone robbed me of my uniques significantly tied to my character.

The gist here that I want to say is that I don't mind if someone kills me then takes my dev mats and my uniques.
If someone beats me up then robs me blind of my dev mats and my uniques.
If someone outsmarts me ICly then takes what I own.
If someone wins a bet ICly then I give them what I have, or if someone trades for it.

What I don't like is someone taking my house and then my dev mats because:
1. There is no IC interaction behind it, none at all. It becomes very easy to cover it up too.
2. There is literally nothing you can do as well with hunting them down ICly, much less OOCly.
3. It heavily ignores all the character development that may be tied to it, especially if it is less an outright dev mat for a unique and more something that your character gained due to a heavy IC event.
4. It is an OOC loophole, let's be honest. Someone buys the house OOCly and mechanically, you lose the IC tied to it just because they did such a thing without even going through the IC leader of the settlement.

And yes, I have tried to hunt them down ICly. I have tried so many methods that certain people in this thread can vouch for what has been done and attempted on my part, even a ticket; but at the end of the day, the fact that it's happened can feel very OOC. Give the 24 hour grace period / give the notification on how many days you have left on your house and what-not. Or just outright make the robbing of certain items impermissible.

It can get very demotivating to be robbed of your items in such a way since it lacks the usual IC impact that could come with the mentioned situations above.
It just... happens, no chances to contest it because you forgot to pay your rent. No character development on your end that could come from it because your character just happened to not pay their rent, so they lost the family heirloom relic passed onto them by their dead family.
Honestly I'm not really sure why Rent is a thing. Like it doesn't really make sense for a lot of stuff, like Delphinia shouldn't have to remember to pay rent on their frontier watchtowers.

And really, all I ever see it do mechanically is fuck people over in situations like this. Certainly there should be a means to ensure housing is being used by active players. But I feel like that could be better managed by active human intervention rather than a ticking timer of 'coins in the slot.'
I have a crazy suggestion guys. Pay for your house and it wont get rented by someone else.
me when ii turn on my computer to check on and pay my 2d roleplay game character's rent with virtual fantasy moneyy so i don't get evicteed
In the new construction menu, it has a listing of all your properties and their maintenance details, so that should help. And listing days left when you log in rather than just the warning also sounds good & can be slipped in.
(03-05-2023, 10:59 PM)Dandeli Wrote: me when ii turn on my computer to check on and pay my 2d roleplay game character's rent with virtual fantasy moneyy so i don't get evicteed

Your late on rent again... Where is my money pub?
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