Spicy SeriousSpicy's Serious Sprites
Hello, I'm looking to [money], and in the interests of such, I'm offering to draw whatever the fuck you want using little pixels.

Clothes and Hair for your latest Osronan prince or Galamean (hah), I got ya
[Image: Screenshot_995.png]

A base DMI for your fancy new Monster Antag? Rock on Dullabros.
[Image: Screenshot_996.png]

A fancy new weapon for that dev you've been working so hard on? Naturally.
[Image: Screenshot_736.png]

A fancy prop for the next big Expedition you're running, or for that cool bit of IC dev? I made one for myself! Check it out in Galamea.
[Image: Aesirheim_Memorial.gif]

You pay me enough and I can make just about anything you want or need from simple color edits to busts of characters. Hell I'll make porn if you pay me enough (Though I guarantee no quality, anatomical accuracy or general desire to look at the finished product)!

Contact me at Spicy Serious#1979 if you want to commission me. Price will vary from sprite to sprite, varying with complexity, animations, and what exactly it is (a Base DMI will cost you more than a prop will cost you more than a weapon, ect). 

Otherwise, have a few more of my prior works;
[Image: Viking_Mailbox.png]
[Image: Rock_Mailbox.png]
[Image: Screenshot_643.png]
[Image: Screenshot_28.png]

 And finally, whatever this rushed mess was;
[Image: Screenshot_796.png]

Hope to hear from ya soon!
[Image: image0.png]
Don't ever speak to me or my son ever again
[Image: Screenshot_1536.png]

[Image: Screenshot_1295.png]

Cute hair recolors? (horns not included, original credit goes to Carbon)
[Image: Emerald_Hair.png]

[Image: Screenshot_1410.png]


Spicy can do a lot, please pay spicy. Spicy loves you and wants you to have cool, cheap drip.

(Recolors, $5. Hats/Hair, $15. Weapons, $20. Complexity can add another 5/10 dollars. Animation adds more).

[Image: image0.png]
Don't ever speak to me or my son ever again
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