ratqueenfeed the hand that bites you
[Image: DOo3UxN.png]

got my ass kicked earlier today.

turns out the world is dangerous and scary. really scary.

game plan was simple. pizza needs cheese. cheese needs milk. cows got milk.
i don't have any cows. can't afford any cows. don't really want any cows, either.
just want milk, enough milk to make a pizza. a single one, just to see if i can.
flex my skills a little. see how i do. gotta know where i'm at before i can know
where i'm going, after all, right? means i gotta get that milk to make that pizza.

so i do a little wandering.

check out the local farms. pass by a few here and there. find a nice one, isolated,
sort of abandoned looking. think to myself, yeah. this is it. this is where i'll get
that milk from. these two lonely cows out in the middle of nowhere. no one'll
be missing this milk, right? wrong.

the big bad wolf would be missing that milk.

scared the soul out of me when he came through those trees. didn't know who he
was at first. wrong shape, and all. didn't know his goons, either. not a fan of the one.
you'd think he was the wolf among them, barking at me like that, rabies in his mouth;
the goon who kicked my ass.

couldn't stop thinking about it afterwards. that wolf, sitting there, watching. observing.
like a god idly watching a game of chess. watching the players, watching them move
the pieces. building a profile on them each, tucking notes away into a proverbial folder.
"this one's an asshole," i hope is written in the goon's. "definition of pugnacious."

maybe that's the job, though, being a goon. assholedom is a prerequisite.

and that's what separates the wolf from his goons. the wolf isn't an asshole, i don't think.
he reeks of purpose, of intentions. has goals, moves to complete them. you can intuit it
just by looking at him. but he isn't an asshole about it. detached, maybe. but not an ass.
an asshole would've just walked away. wouldn't have ponied up the ores to fix it.

or maybe that's just the sheep's clothing he's hiding in.


oh well. guess it really doesn't matter at the end of the day.
because you know what they say. can't beat em...?

feed em.

[Image: 2dYuEHp.png]
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