[Image: kazras.png]

A boon set within mine mind, having taken the meager attempts upon the blood to bring me closer to those whom call upon Death. Burning violet behind my eyes that bring forth the same vision as I close mine tired lids. A titan of selflessness and kindness, standing to uplift those whom shall strike against Chaos. Against those who seek to bring low and dishonor the sacrifice of the Shattered Father.

A boon I am undeserving of, as mine body lie beaten and broken. Surrounded by the feeling of death so thick in the air, that I feel it tugging away at mine very center. Defeat. A taste so familiar upon mine tongue as is the blood that flows through me. Intimately familiar with that bitterness, that acrid sting at the back of mine throat. Such is all I can taste in these moments where I lose count of the movements of the sun and moon.. bitterness.

Compromised by foul forces, my mind wanders. Alone in this cavern I reside crumpled. Alone. Why must I be  alone? Even in a city as grand to hold the will of the Jotun, I stood alone. Harsh gazes set towards me in manners that I have no rebuttal towards. Even in mine very own home, the one who brought me unto this world looks at me with disdain- constantly reminded of someone else I know not of. She always said my eyes were like his, mine father's. Unflinching. Unyielding.

Yet they are not as pure as the blood that flows through me is as tainted as her own.

Finally upon the eve of defeat, one set a boon upon me that made me feel whole. Made me feel worthy, for but a fleeting moment, to stand within the honorable Herald's presence. Words that shook mine vessel like thunder with each letter, the Herald spoke of a future that I may be able to finally be one with the other Jotun. Cleansed of the Blood of the Betrayer that roils beneath my skin.

Boils. Tears. Screams. Burns. Burns. Burns..

. .and I squandered that hope, that future, because I am tainted. Never shall I hold the true strength of Giant upon mineself- because of that envious and gluttonous son of Grimnir.

As I am collared and chained alone I can only wonder, if I die upholding the proper honor and virtue of a Jotun-.. will the Shattered Father, will the fallen Grimnir, accept mine soul as one of their children? Or will I only be left adrift and damned, as the beast that I am..

. .give no quarter. .
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There is hardly much of mineself left, these long nights. The sound of mechanical parts shifting and whirring fill mine ears as I look down upon the great maps within the blistering Halls of Grimjhall. Mine heart continues to beat with much of mind blood flowing through tubing finely made and crafted by Sedirs, while mine very soul even still aches despite the foundations set to mend what was wounded and taken.
. .but even with that true, mine body burns akin to the great forges of mine home. A bellowing and blistering thing that threatens to tear me asunder every moment I walk.

A Gift. A Boon. A showing of the Oath I have made.

When I stare into the Eyes of the Shattered such is all I see reflected back to me. No mechanics and no flesh, merely the cosmos staring back at me. Like mine Grandfather before me. No longer do I doubt mine worth in such a manner- but often times I find mineself no longer thinking of me, for that is not what matters. It never had, truly.

I had never been allowed to be a boy. Once I was a Beast. Once I was an ill omen. Now to some whom look upon me, I cannot shield mine heart to the looks they give unto me- akin to family, of blood. Something I never was able to give upon those I looked upon who didn't turn away. Sons and Dottirs, many of them. They call me strong and look up to me but I cannot trust in mine strength as mine Father can..

But it does not hinder mine drive, for them. For their futures. I will give everything I can to see them survive the weeks to come and to inherit a proper realm they can live upon, so that they may one day have famlies- where children may grow up and simply be that. Children. Not soldiers like they were. Not numb and maimed by the world that is cruel and twisted.

True Faithful are willing to give all, just as He did. So hear me, and hear me well- brilliant Echo. Budding shard of mine Shattered Father.

I shall give mine all as I have sworn to see this come to light, for none other are willing to pay this price. I have paid much, but it is not enough. Not until I'm satisfied with what shall be inherited.

Thy Aether flows through me and I shall use every bit of it if I must, even if it scatters me as you once were scattered.

For them.

. . .

I will ask for the little ones to forgive me with mine final  breath if I must, for mine vision is the world they deserve.

So does the story end. Seventeen years of conflict, bloodshed, and attempting to come to terms with much within the world.

Fables. Stories. Some learned and others unveiled to the lies they were. Difficulties with fury and understanding how to properly express oneself- and allowing one to open up to those around them.

Coming to terms with moving through shadow and swallowing down the bitter taste of defeat. To try and inspire those who still follow even after such defeats..

His story was one of strife and chaos- and now it finally is over. Utterly consumed and gone, alas unable to find the afterlife he sought after for his whole life.

. .but now? He may finally rest. .


Thank you all for writing it with me.
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