DidosA Great and Old Mind
A brilliant mind in a world is born, through study and effort, this one shaped things around him with his own hands. Creations were brought to life and many things done, during his youth. For years it built, for years it changed the world..
While facing adversity, as any other Human during times of turmoil.
Many problems are encountered, life and death situations that had to be endured - of giving up and having his path blocked by others. But he continued... And for years he began to leave his mark, to make history as he always wanted since he was young.. To be in the history books, to be remembered for what he did, who he was.
And in a way, did he not do this?
After so long.. He became known as the Creator, he went to the desert, expanded an Institute - aged and then became a figure of relevance. Today, he is old.. Contemplating existence, everything he saw, learned and did..
To come to the conclusion that..
"I'm getting old, damn it.
Well.. Time to retire and do other things with what little time is left for me, leave that ungrateful, useless bunch of foolish young ones - taking care of the rest of the remaining projects.. That should teach them.
- Acantho.
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 Log.. The Director has retired, at long last.
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