HikaTo the Moon and the Stars.
[Image: f4w0g7K.jpg]
"Too the moon and the stars..."

"That is what she told me, before she died. They repeat in my mind every day. Over, and over, and over again. I...I miss her. But I know I have to keep moving on for her. I know...I have to move forward."

"But what can I do? I'm no longer a part of the Elzara. No longer a Knight...no longer a citizen. I'm nothing. A nobody. Maybe...I can be a mercenary? Until I eventually find some path to take?"

"I keep having visions. Every night...all I see is her dying. Lila...did something to me. Made me repeat her death every single night in my mind. It's almost like I can never escape."

"But i'll keep going. If not for her...than for myself. I have too, for what else can I do?"

"...I don't know. I don't know what to do. But i'll keep going. I'll keep fighting. Keep...killing these demons that have taken everything from me."

"...I'll miss you Katey. To the moon and stars, love. I hope you can guide me going forward. I'll make you proud...I promise."

"Too the moon and the stars..."

-from the pages of Leif's journal. Circa 2047 A.C
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