RavenZxroWhere did it go wrong?
[Image: 40a6d94127a127b2f08405b8a1de8fb1.jpg]
Lost within a struggle within his own head.
A battle with no clear victor, leading to suffering on both sides.

Suffering silently while the voices in his head argued

Quote:What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you really intend on quitting just like that? 

It's not quitting, its self-perseverance. 

No it's not! You're just encouraging him to be a pussy!

I'm trying to keep him alive.

What use is he if he isn't doing anything with his life, I'm sick and tired of you stopping him from being great, I've been wasting all of my time trying to turn him into a badass while you sit there and cry, whispering to others about your feelings!

There's nothing 'badass' about getting yourself into situations where your life is at stake just because you like to hang on your inflated ego.

Guys... there's no need to argue.. it's not like it matters anymore, I've already made my decision.

Your decision is terrible! Why are you listening to that bastard anyways!? What happened to you!? You used to be such a good kid. You've changed.

That kid is no longer here because of  YOU.

He's no longer here because you! You're the one who sits here all day, crying about how tired you are! You're the idiot that got him stabbed right in his back! You should've known what you were getting into when you told him to make that Oath. Now I'm the one stuck enforcing it.

Enforce? You do nothing but pick fights with people you shouldn't be picking fights with. You took a man's eye because he was defending his little brother from US. You've engaged with people that you -know- that we aren't strong enough to defeat yet. His body is in this condition because of you!

Enough! Both of you, get out of my head with all of this arguing.

Just stop arguing... okay?

Rest, so that the others may rest as well, Angelo.
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