MommyAlienThe Forgotten Unicorn
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“Let me tell you a tale.”

“About what?”

“A unicorn.”

‘Once upon a time there was a unicorn…
A small one, no bigger than a toddler. It lived in in the forests with its parents which loved the child so
very much. The child was taught the ways of the unicorn at a very young age.
1. Do not speak to humans.
2. Do not reveal yourself to humans.
3. Stay. Hidden.
The stubborn child knew to follow the rules… but she was tainted. Tainted with curiosity. The
family lived in solitary; she knew nothing of the outside world. That was until one day…’

“What happened that day?”

“Well, she met a boy.”

‘A boy around the unicorn’s age. He had wandered into the forest in lieu of catching a butterfly.
The unicorn watched; she would attempt to not reveal herself. The unicorn was so distracted
that she did not notice the branch she was leaning on was breaking. She would fall infront of the
boy exposing herself.’

“And then?!”

“They became friends.”
‘He would sneak away every day to play with the unicorn child, and the two had become close.
Months turned in to years, and the two became inseparable. The boy never told his parents
where he left to, just that he was going to play with his friends and that he will be back home by
supper. The father started becoming suspicious of who the son’s friends were. He had not once
seen the boy play with another nor bring a friend home. So where did he go?
The father followed his son one day around the time he usually left to play with said friends. The
boy did not notice that his father was silently following him. The father hid behind the tree and
out came the unicorn to play blissfully unaware. The boys father gasped, a real unicorn. Just like
in the fairy tales. The family was poor, scrapping by day by day with little to no food to survive.
The unicorn would become their golden ticket into living a comfortable life. ‘
“But the dad would never do that to his son.”
“What wouldn’t a father do to ensure the best life for his child?”

"...Lets go to the next page..."
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