1r5Ramblings of an Idle Someone
[Image: gOEdjnP.png]
Quote:"I got you some.
... I probably should've asked if you even drink alcohol before I poured it."

"...Eh, what'sit matter. You're not buried here anyway. It's just..."
"You could've made better use of it."
"...Me? Nah, I don't drink. I'm perfectly sober."
"Right, and you're talking to a dead lady."
"...yeah. I know. I'm a hallucinatin' weirdo. I just... haven't gotten any sleep."
"Well... what's got you so busy that you've been losing sleep over it?"
"...What's got me busy? Well... it's Aen. They pulled out. I know it's supposed to be a success, but... we did nothing.
No plundering. No raiding. Nothing. They just... up and left on their own."

"You won that day, you know. I explicitly said it. If anything, it sounds to me like Nilhirra's victorious in the grand scheme of things."
"...No, that's..."
"...Is it not? They're gone. You're still here."
"...We were gonna attack them! Take their land by force! And then they just--"
"Misperis, are you angry?"
"--Angry? I'm fucking LIVID! They come here, slice off my hand, KILL YOU, and then they just LEAVE! And now we can't even PUNISH them for it!"
 "...Honestly, sounds to me like you need to learn to let go."
"...Fritz, I don't. I'm FINE. I've been fine for the last... I-don't-fuckin'-know-how-many years."
"Misperis, you don't look fine. Are those... tears?"
"...Okay, Clone, you can stop pretending to be Fritz now."
"Misperis, I'm--"
"I SAID, you can stop pretending to be Fritz now."
"Misperis, LOOK at me-"
"I SAID--"

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
Amber count: 693 (or 770)
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