JetnissFlurry Slash Rework
Flurry Slash spawns an AoE in front of the caster while rooting them for 1 second. The rapidly spawned AoE flood out from the caster, creating a number of 'slash effects' that rapidly tick, faster than twister/lightning embodiment ticks. 

1-4x Spell power per tick, 4-6 ticks a second. Rapid hits. The entire AoE will last 6 seconds but grows to its maximum range kind of like how flood works, and then fades in a similar way.

The range should also spill, rather than just swipe;  1x3, 2x5, 3x7, 4x9. 
It'd be a nice visual build and could be scary and nice and cool. Add light slow to each damage tick.

[Image: FrighteningFlusteredAntarcticgiantpetrel-small.gif]
I mean, this can work ad a hidden but it’ll be hard to balance this as a regular skill
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