Callen200The Soulless Thief
Dang i suck at writing these things.. but i suppose ill tell a bit about my story to leave something to remember

You ever had to starve and live in the slums because you where not born in a perfect family.. well That is me.. Lena Green
My story ain't pretty.. my Mother was a wonderful lapine, she did what she needed to to see our brothers and sisters where fed and warm
Did she kill? yes she did.. steal from others? of course, she taught me at a young age to be a Thief, to Survive

You see.. i didn't grow up with all the luxury and castles, fancy beds and all sorts
I lived on the cold floor and we had to scrape by to make sure we ate..
my dad.. well he was a sweetheart and a loving father.. surprised Mom didn't kill him in her violent outbursts.. she always had that small bit 
of pandemonium inside of her, but they made Us so.. the marriage worked out in the end

I was bullied away from meranthe for not having good clothes, or many things, food, you name it, and ever since i arrived to meranthe a Year.. going on to Two now its also been Hel.. they don't understand

But The Dragons Maw.. Deephold.. you understood me, at first you pointed a gun at my head but after.. you all loved me
When your wife died.. i comforted you, and i told you ide stand by your side and help mend your heart
For the first time.. you smiled at me and pat me on the head
I told you ide be with you through thick and thin.. and you handed me a Book

I wrote my name in that book and had a flashback to my mother signing a book from a hooded figure in thats the story..
Thats why mom is so strong.. why she always knew how to Flee and how to overcome her opponents..
Heh.. do what you got to do i guess, Cleaver girl.. 

I made a fair few friends along the way.. Umbra, Rutnar, Koirooma, all of you are my best friends Vaiser you as well

Rutnar.. most of deephold hated your guts for a reason i don't know but.. i loved ya, Fight hard Future king of the Sea
Umbra: not much to say.. you where an honest trade and seller.. if i had the coins ide make you rich! but then again.. don't get frugal with your coins, give to the poor!

Koirooma.. You are my best friend and someone i plan to see the end with, You are so broken yet.. you told me you have nobody, no friends, or anything, not anymore
Im here for you.. remember what i told you

Quote:My Gun is yours, Your staff is Mine
Till the Very end

I walk with you Koirooma, if you get sick, i will treat you, if you need money to make dues.. ill do what i must
If you grow up and get married, ill be there for you, so on and so forth, i never had friends growing up..
Im glad i met you.. All of you.. my story ain't done.. But its time i lay low and work in the shadows, just like Momma
In a way koirooma.. you told me you where a wounded soul and you are going to hel.. well then.. come join me when its our time!
Friends forever!

And so The Story of Lena Green Comes to a close
A girl that sold her soul because she trusted the Darker side
They loved her.. they cared about her
She returns to the shadows
To Protect her Friends she loves, To be a Best friend till the end
To be the little Lapine Thief her mom taught her to be.. a survivor

Lena Green Has officially Rebirthed and Returned to the woods and shadows
To return to the Theif life she was born to be! may Meranthe Surrender 
All their coins!
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