lilfatfuk9753Phoenix Altan Journal
Rpl 224

Age 26


- To become a member of the Asperan church/done

-Learn holy magic in hopes of strengthening her body as a circumstance of a sickly birth/done

-Spread hope and compassion to the land and try to sooth troubled souls to the best of her ability/ ongoing

-Learn of ways to strengthen her connection to the life stream to help increase the potential of her magic in which it can heal her sickly body./on going

-Become Pointface of the Apsperan faith one day/ Ongoing currently a Inquisadore

-Overall be a beacon of light and hope for the masses/ working on it have a newborn so hard to go out and verb a lot of the times and make raids

-See the return of her brother to Aphros in hopes he will seek to redeem his actions/ Done


4/17/23- Join the church as well as learn holy magic 
From an early age Phoenix aspired to be one that instilled hope into other's, having been born with a frail body she pursued a life with the church rather then becoming a knight like most of her family. Being taught about the gods Athelios and Enarr from a young age by her mother and other family members of the church she soon was baptized and made an acolyte. 

Valor's light 1 -

4/21//23- Spreading hope and faith/ giving other's dev for holy magic

Throughout her priesthood there have been many times she was tasked with giving lessons to those in Aphros of holy magic. Time and time again she would look back to her teachings as a child by her mother and uncles in order to bestow the knowledge onto her often-pulling phrases and teachings from their lessons to the young kitsune. One such instance was when she gave her older cousin's lesson's in holy magic first turning his attention to the church in which he would join in the future as a steadfast warrior under Athelios's banner.

(holy lessons -

4/22/23 -Encountering demons for the first time /made her see just how far their reach goes (Point in which she started training herself seriously after fear of losing her sister)

Returning from a dungeon would normally be a time for celebration, though one fated encounter would leave the kitsune with a scar in her mind of the power of the demons after having watched it best a dear friend of hers as well as her sister who she considered all powerful at the time. This instilling a fear but as well as a determination in her to make sure beings such as this are not to reign over Meranthe and to one day do her part to cleanse the world in order to cleanse the beyond as the way of the Dogmata of Athelios.

(War/driving point -

4/23/23 Learning of her heart's condition/ Goal to heal her heart to that of it being able to be called healthy though she uses holy magic to supplement her heart at times she can feel the stress of things upon her due to her sickly body from her birth.

Logs from a doc appointment with Ksceniya Montelione.

(doctors/ goal to find a way to heal self started part one -

4/23/23 Danger 0 Lina weaver lost

Wondering out in order to do some small tasks to earn coin and collect regents from the wilds she was spotted by one who was known to attack people who frequented Aphros. Calling the girl out Phonenix managed to get the girl banished from the city, it seemed she wanted payback seeing the girl alone and decided to take a chance at it. Losing the fight instilling yet more of a drive in the woman to better herself in order to live up to her mother's and sister's image.

(fight -

5/1/23 Danger 0 or 1 Lina Weaver won

Going about her daily errands Phoenix was spotted by the girl Lina once more, trapped in a cave and with no chance of escape the girl fought off her attacker and exacted righteous judgment onto her with a temporary holy seal.

(fight 2 Lina (

5/6/23 Aftermath of Vdalian's annexation of Aphros.

The fight for Aphros was one that was swift, countless waves of attackers overpowering the defenses of the city and conquering it and hanging the banners in the streets. The war in itself was of no concern to the priestess as she was unable to fight in such conditions due to her health. Though the war was lost a small hope remained that this would lead to the nations of Meranthe banning together and rising up against the demons and their kin. Though that dream was shattered upon entering the square of her city and witnessing her family being collared for there name by Orphree Dawnseeker. Him on the hunt for Ksceniya and her not fully knowing why. The Reveredo of the church before her very eyes being collard and slammed to the ground etching into the back of her mind that might does not make right but it is needed to be the victor

Family in chains (

5/7/23 Trip with Irina and company

Upon entering the church after a busy day of her duties, she would sit down for only a second before her friends would enter the building. Ones she had forged bonds with over her many years of service to the city of Aprhos and the church. They would take her on an adventure that would set her life on its main course. The group encountering portals to the life stream, ancient guardians, two hundred year old prisoners, a being who claimed to control the life stream at her very finger tips as well as entering various places and temples. Learning of the atrocities of the ones who worshipped Aschea and went to war with the weaver. Aschea's followers being completely wiped out cept the one the weaver kept for a toy. The group killing them after terms not being able to be met, the kitsune having shards imbedded with the will of Aschea in her heart. Causing her to live by the tenet's set by the good and seeking to live in the balance in her life and nature. Passing out from blood loss upon reaching the weaver's den she was unable to make the same deal as Irina was offered to bathe in the water's of the life stream in an attempt to heal her heart. The result leaving her somewhat disheartened but the girl still striving to find a way to heal her weak body, yet more in tune with the life stream then she had ever been as the will of aschea was planted in her heart with the remints of crystals still lodged inside of it.

(Event to the life stream (

5/8/23 Danger with Amygadala and Win'gul Won vs Amy lost vs Win

Strolling across the plains of Meranthe doing the daily quests to earn some coin with Rahl the duo came across a Trio, one being the dragon Grisha and two of its accomplices. What followed was a battled started when Rahl attacked the dragon and the white hooded woman would make a move to attack Phoenix. Luckily she was able to defeat the woman and her use of ether but was soon followed up by the undead at her side. Though the battle was close she was left with a bitter taste of defeat in her mouth and being forced to flee. Thus resulting in her want to do more then she already had been idly as a priestess, to move more into the center stage with her actions at the church as well as seeking out that of a bodyguard for her travels.

(Fight with Amy and Win (

5/8/23 Learning of Irina's choice

After finally seeing Irina and friends from there investigation that turned out to go horribly wrong and left her half dead and bound to a chair in the center of the life stream, the kitsune came to find that one of her best friends had made a deal with the one known as the weaver. Allowing her to dip into the reserves into the life stream in order for the weaver to simply have a front row seat on the woman's life as long as it was not boring. The residual crystals still remaining in her heart and her upbringing as one of the cloth did not bode well with the woman's choice. Thus leading the kitsune to learn more of Aschea and the meaning of her existence. Her search for answer's leading her to a variety of places.  

(After math of the journey to the center of the life stream (

5/10/23- Titan's wrath

The war between the empire and Aphros was over but the lingering effects were still manifesting from the annexation of the kingdom, Jokul the emperor had come to the city seeking an object of interest. Unable to find it he would exact his rage onto the old members of the Bastion and figureheads of the city. Crushing them into the very cobblestone streets they protected for so many years. The sight sickening the kitsune, though she knew not of them personally but rather knew of them through years of service from her family. The after math of the events leaving a bitter taste in her mouth about the man known as the emperor. 

(The Titan's Wrath (

5/10/23- Learning of Aschea

Her search for lore on the goddess Aschea bore fruit after many month's. The woman learning of her from Malvesta the leader of the batkin, learning of her place and her will to seek balance. The feeling's explained that the kitsune would be put under while she was looking to restore the balance of the life stream. Feeling a new sense of purpose, she began to seek out to enact Aschea's will and cleanse the world to the best of her ability doing all that she could to do so and find balance in nature.

(Balance in nature (

5/13/23- Hearing of her brother's deeds

Over the year's Phoenix and her brother had grown apart, him cutting his ties to the city once they had lost the war to the giants. Rumors of the boy attacking other's out on the open road. When confronted with such things and asked about what her brother was doing the kitsune was distraught not sure what to say. Feeling the gap between her and the red haired Altan boy growing more and more by the day as other's continued to report being assaulted by him.

(Brother (

5/17/23 Syca's Baptism

The day of Syca's baptism was one to remember, in the same day she was inducted to the church her uncle Bell had risen to the rank of Cardeal. Only sheer moments of him rising to his new position would Phoenix be called forth. The woman being named Reverendo there on the spot, her work and duty to the church being rewarded as a feeling of accomplishment that she had never come to feel took over her.

(  Reverendo (

5/20/23- Reunion with Ramie

On one of her usual walks with Rahl while doing their daily errands to earn a side of coin they came across an unusual sight, her brother and a demon in a cave talking idly. When the kitsune confronted her brother the man tried to flee and she cut him off, drawing her blade and pointing it at him. What ensued was a fight between the two unlike any they had ever had, each aiming to draw the blood of each other to the point of serious injury. The battle ending with Phoenix's victory left a hole in the bottom of her stomach. The boy making his escape talking in riddles and tongues, possessed by something that was not the boy she grew up with. With Ramie fleeing the cave Phoenix was to heartbroken to even give chase.

(Ramie (

5/21/23- Suprise Attack

Coming onto the bridges near the mines that were home to the goblins Rahl and Phoenix came across an undead the same time as a friendly party had only from the other side of the bridge. The popular crossing point drew many and soon demons and other's alike swarmed the area, a small lesser ranked demon taking this chance to try and take a chunk out of the kitsune but her being able to easily fend them off. Next though was a more dangerous foe, a monstrous jellyfish demon that she had seen on more then one occasion already. Barley defeating the both of them the child was able to scurry off to safety while the battle ensued around her.

(Suprise attack (

5/23/23- The death of Fist

The execution of Fist by Lila Woodes was something much harder for the priestess to swallow then the previous deaths she had been witness to, this time around she had been ordered by the oracle to say the last prayer of the woman before her death. Phoenix doing the of her ability while the crowd's eyes rested on her. Feeling sorrow and pity for the woman before her even though she had never known her previously. With the final blow being delivered and Fist slain, the priestess was then tasked with disposing of the body and told to burn it. With advice from Estelle Lila's own daughter on where to bury the woman the Kitsune set off to give her a proper send off and show respect for the dead as her essence returned to the life stream.

(Funeral (

5/23/23- Severed connection
Danger vs Malice lost -10 perm

Moving through the roads connecting Aphros to Audhild and the frontier Phoenix was stopped by the same undead her and Rahl had encountered before. Them turning their scythe onto the kitsune this time around. The battle was hard fought but in the end she was out matched in his skill with his weapon. Her guard being broken and the blade planted into the side of her torso. The residual energy left from the weapon seeping into her mana circuitry and weakening her connection to the life stream, fleeing afterword her focus on healing her body with the last feeble traces of energy she was able to muster from the life stream. Blood dripping down the side of her robes she limped away to Aphros in fear for her life. The treatment taking many months to finally stabilize her circuits and allow her to draw from the natural flow of energy once more.

(Severed connection (

5/24/23- Capture of Lina

While still recovering from her injury and surgery performed by Elise an unusual sight strolled into Apros, the very same girl that had attacked her and her dear friend Kylian when they were children came to Aphros. The caption of the Elzara already questioning her, that being said Phoenix took charge of the situation being one of the only people with authority in the vicinity. Ordering Adrian to arrest them the man moved into action and took her into custody, her capture would result in a test to see if she was a witch where a black mark was found. Tossed into the dungeon for the night and only able to come out on occasion she hung herself before her trial was had thus ending her own existence.

Lina's Capture (

5/31/23- The war at Audhild

The defense of Audhild was the first time she had encountered the horde. Though Phoenix fought no major battles in the war she did her part. But with the combined efforts of the horde and the Elzara nearly defeating all of the Langley districts defenders in one swoop. The part of Audhild being razed to the ground and Phoenix and Adrian seeing the full force of the horde.

(Raid not posting logs because I had no fights)

6/1/23 Adrian and Sierra becoming Leigo

With the induction of Adrian and Sierra into the church of Aspera was a proud day for the kitsune, after a long awaited time after her proposal to bring forth a military force within the church finally coming to life. The two being the first Leigo that would be set on a soldier's path in the church, with the ceremony taking place and then finishing the kitsune was happy to see the changes being implemented as well as the two's dedication to helping remove the Fel from the lands of Meranthe.

(Adrian and Sierra join the church (

6/4/23- Danger with Telitotita/won

Making her daily walk through the lands to make some coin, the kitsune came across a demon attacking children of Aphros. Being a priestess and member of the inquisition Phoenix leapt into action doing her best to fight off the demon and thus successfully driving it away from the border of the city. The will of aschea flowing through her as she fought. Prayer's voiced as the battle raged on as she prayed for the power to overcome this adversary. 

(Fight on the border of Aphros (

6/8/23- Teaching the Dogmata 

After establishing her beliefs on the needs to expand the church further and making efforts to do so Phoenix held frequent sermons in the church teaching other's of the five Dogmata. Her words resonating with those in the church and stirring something inside of them to head the words of Athelios and the belief's of Aspera. The over all sermon making her feel more of use then any battle would as she was fulfilling her job as a priestess and igniting hope and belief into man.

(Sermon (

6/13/23- Becoming Inquisidore 

Ascending higher into the ranks of the church of Aspera, the forces of the inquisition growing yet even more with more members being inducted into the church. Syca becoming a Reverendo and then Phoenix's promotion. The feeling of accomplishment filling the kitsune but above all hope. Seeing the unity of those who were slowly rising up for the cause to fight the Fel and their worshippers. 

(Inquisidore (

6/14/23- Ramies return

Phoenix's brother's Ramie returned to Aphros out of the blue one day, the man deciding to turn himself in for fear of losing himself. Willingly giving himself up and letting himself be collared to be taken to the church. There he confused to his crimes before Phoenix and those that had gathered. The words tearing the woman apart as Ramie spoke, learning of why he would betray Aphros as well as the reason for his split in personality and him losing himself. With the man wishing for the release of death Phoenix gave him just that, making sure to impale him in the heart ending his life quickly and thus turning his body into ice and letting it shatter. The world around her feeling as if it were crumbling, mixed emotions rushing forth from the act she had just committed. 

(Ramies Return (

6/16/23- The destruction of the Obelisk /Danger Jack.J won

The day that Jokul was revived from the dead and the destruction of the obelisk was one the priestess would never forget, it marking the first time humanity was able to strike a blow back to the Fel. The kitsune doing her part in the massive battle to clear the path for the once upon a time emperor of Vdalian. Phoenix doing battle with a fae that had turned traitor or so she thought but would come to find out they were a spy all along. Watching Gallade fight with Lyseroth and be severely wounded, then fighting another and watching both him and Miland loose before her eyes feeling she would have to fight this unknown foe but the destruction of the obelisk giving them a chance at escape. The sight of the destroyed structure filling her with hope that humanity was still able to fight back against black magic.

(Battle of the Obelisk (

6/18/23- Battle with Lyssa/ Danger won

Strolling through the woods on the border of Aphros Phoenix came across an undead assaulting a group of children, seeing such a sight and with the attack on the church on the horizon she saw no reason to draw her blade and run to the aide of those children, the will of Aschea flowing through her veins as she fought to try and pierce the heart of the undead but missed. Them able to make their escape away from Phoenix after driving her blade through it's shoulder. The skirmish leaving her with a sense of bliss flowing through her veins as she enacted the will of Ashcea and the crystal fragmentsagmetns in her heart stirred to life causing her to seek out to cleanse the world of anything vile that might plague it. 

(Battle with Lyssa (

6/19/23 Battle of the church/ Did not get a matchup but still important for my char so tossing in the narrates due to the battle 

The battle for the church of Aspera was one that the kitsune put her full effort towards in preparing for, asking for the aid of new Dexia, them coming to her and the city's aid allowing the hallowed hall's of Athelios to remain standing. The one who ordered the Horde to burn the church to the ground still remaining a mystery but something for her to look into there after now that the battle had concluded.

(Burn the Church (
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