(09-30-2023, 01:46 AM)ForgetTheUnknown Wrote:
(09-30-2023, 01:31 AM)Nonni Wrote:
(09-30-2023, 01:27 AM)ForgetTheUnknown Wrote:
(09-30-2023, 01:09 AM)Nonni Wrote: I'm depressed. Aphros has people, and Dal'thala has people. Dal'thala has very, very few people at the best of times.

I don't want to roleplay in Skarnfel, because I don't find it interesting.

Even if I -did- have interest in Skarnfel, I did go there while using an invisibility potion once and literally there was not a single person in sight, so I would have doubt if someone told me it's densely active.

I don't understand why we see so few people. We have like 150 players at prime time, don't we? Where is everyone?

So, this thread exists to answer that question and, depending on the answer, maybe brainstorm ideas for making things seem more uh..."dense." Okay? Let's do that.

You forgot one thing. People have lives outside this game. We arent obligated to stay here all day. You have to come in at times we’re online. Thats simply how it is. Some of us play at nights, mornings, afternoons, evenings. And Skarnfel is dense, but dense isnt a word to describe anything. Dense isnt a word that holds weight in this game. The word you’re looking for is “dead” and wondering if the place is dead? No, not at all.
Have you never heard the term "population density"? It's used a lot in real life.

So this very articulate and literate person is telling you that they think it's a pretty sufficient word to use for this.

Anyway, whether or not I "considered that people have lives" is irrelevent because I'm on at all relevent hours and the situation is as I described, from what I've seen. But thanks for being snide, condescending, and pretentious, completely unprovoked. I won't thank you for being an idiot, because I'm not grateful for that one.

Population density isnt an applicable measurement for an online community within a game settlement. Because by that logic, nowhere is dense at all Imo. And if you think thats irrelevant then whats the point of this thread to be exact? You sound a bit hypocritical. Everyone plays the game and has “not relevant hours” calling me an idiot, snide, and pretentious doesnt solve your problem other than making people not like you.

"Population density isnt an applicable measurement for an online community within a game settlement."
- It is, actually. 

"Because by that logic, nowhere is dense at all Imo."
- By that "logic." Okay. The logic is that there's a scale. And it's relative. We'd be scaling it by what's normal for a byond strict-roleplay game. That's the "logic."

"And if you think thats irrelevant then whats the point of this thread to be exact?"
-I think it's irrelevent because I am active during the most active hours. I am inactive during roughly 2AM-8AM central. Are people active at those hours? Sure. But they're probably literally the least active hours. So that's why I'd say it's irrelevent.

"calling me an idiot, snide, and pretentious doesnt solve your problem"
-Doesn't solve my problem? I wasn't trying to solve that problem. I was making fun of you for attacking me unprovoked and embarrassing yourself in the process.

"other than making people not like you."
- I don't care to comment on this one.

(09-30-2023, 02:00 AM)GSM Wrote:
(09-30-2023, 01:09 AM)Nonni Wrote: I don't want to roleplay in Skarnfel, because I don't find it interesting.

Even if I -did- have interest in Skarnfel, I did go there while using an invisibility potion once and literally there was not a single person in sight, so I would have doubt if someone told me it's densely active.

To be fair, if this was recent, you did kind of probe it during the time where it was the least active, being pre-two separate raids and scheduling not exactly lining up. There’s also a good bit of buildings that see use. I myself haven’t been on because I have been partially sick or because of work obligations.

Also I’m not sure why the random insult is thrown out for the faction I run.

Not seeing why the thread was made to begin with, honestly.

Hey. I'm sorry you thought I was insulting your faction. I don't understand why it'd be considered an insult to say that Skarnfel didn't seem densely populated. It seemed like a necessary observation to make for the sake of constructive discussion.

(09-30-2023, 02:00 AM)GSM Wrote:
(09-30-2023, 01:09 AM)Nonni Wrote: I don't want to roleplay in Skarnfel, because I don't find it interesting.

Even if I -did- have interest in Skarnfel, I did go there while using an invisibility potion once and literally there was not a single person in sight, so I would have doubt if someone told me it's densely active.

To be fair, if this was recent, you did kind of probe it during the time where it was the least active, being pre-two separate raids and scheduling not exactly lining up. There’s also a good bit of buildings that see use. I myself haven’t been on because I have been partially sick or because of work obligations.

Also I’m not sure why the random insult is thrown out for the faction I run.

Not seeing why the thread was made to begin with, honestly.

"Even if I -did- have interest in Skarnfel,"
- I didn't understand your comment at first. I didn't understand it, because it didn't even occur to me that I'd said something offensive. I don't like Skarnfel because I can't play a morally good character there. Sorry for the confusion. Not an insult.

It's not a bad faction. I just have no interest in playing a very and truly evil character at this time.
You can play a morally good person in Skarnfel or anywhere else really. You also don't need to be directly aligned with a nation to interact with it. Hell a morally good charecter bound to Skarnfel by some sentiment sounds like a good hook.

Not sure if it's too meta, but asking on the discord or even ooc "hey does someone want to rp with me?" if you can't find anyone might be an option. Or scheduling things beforehand.
(09-30-2023, 02:05 AM)Nonni Wrote:
(09-30-2023, 01:46 AM)ForgetTheUnknown Wrote:
(09-30-2023, 01:31 AM)Nonni Wrote:
(09-30-2023, 01:27 AM)ForgetTheUnknown Wrote:
(09-30-2023, 01:09 AM)Nonni Wrote: I'm depressed. Aphros has people, and Dal'thala has people. Dal'thala has very, very few people at the best of times.

I don't want to roleplay in Skarnfel, because I don't find it interesting.

Even if I -did- have interest in Skarnfel, I did go there while using an invisibility potion once and literally there was not a single person in sight, so I would have doubt if someone told me it's densely active.

I don't understand why we see so few people. We have like 150 players at prime time, don't we? Where is everyone?

So, this thread exists to answer that question and, depending on the answer, maybe brainstorm ideas for making things seem more uh..."dense." Okay? Let's do that.

You forgot one thing. People have lives outside this game. We arent obligated to stay here all day. You have to come in at times we’re online. Thats simply how it is. Some of us play at nights, mornings, afternoons, evenings. And Skarnfel is dense, but dense isnt a word to describe anything. Dense isnt a word that holds weight in this game. The word you’re looking for is “dead” and wondering if the place is dead? No, not at all.
Have you never heard the term "population density"? It's used a lot in real life.

So this very articulate and literate person is telling you that they think it's a pretty sufficient word to use for this.

Anyway, whether or not I "considered that people have lives" is irrelevent because I'm on at all relevent hours and the situation is as I described, from what I've seen. But thanks for being snide, condescending, and pretentious, completely unprovoked. I won't thank you for being an idiot, because I'm not grateful for that one.

Population density isnt an applicable measurement for an online community within a game settlement. Because by that logic, nowhere is dense at all Imo. And if you think thats irrelevant then whats the point of this thread to be exact? You sound a bit hypocritical. Everyone plays the game and has “not relevant hours” calling me an idiot, snide, and pretentious doesnt solve your problem other than making people not like you.

"Population density isnt an applicable measurement for an online community within a game settlement."
- It is, actually. 

"Because by that logic, nowhere is dense at all Imo."
- By that "logic." Okay. The logic is that there's a scale. And it's relative. We'd be scaling it by what's normal for a byond strict-roleplay game. That's the "logic."

"And if you think thats irrelevant then whats the point of this thread to be exact?"
-I think it's irrelevent because I am active during the most active hours. I am inactive during roughly 2AM-8AM central. Are people active at those hours? Sure. But they're probably literally the least active hours. So that's why I'd say it's irrelevent.

"calling me an idiot, snide, and pretentious doesnt solve your problem"
-Doesn't solve my problem? I wasn't trying to solve that problem. I was making fun of you for attacking me unprovoked and embarrassing yourself in the process.

"other than making people not like you."
- I don't care to comment on this one.

(09-30-2023, 02:00 AM)GSM Wrote:
(09-30-2023, 01:09 AM)Nonni Wrote: I don't want to roleplay in Skarnfel, because I don't find it interesting.

Even if I -did- have interest in Skarnfel, I did go there while using an invisibility potion once and literally there was not a single person in sight, so I would have doubt if someone told me it's densely active.

To be fair, if this was recent, you did kind of probe it during the time where it was the least active, being pre-two separate raids and scheduling not exactly lining up. There’s also a good bit of buildings that see use. I myself haven’t been on because I have been partially sick or because of work obligations.

Also I’m not sure why the random insult is thrown out for the faction I run.

Not seeing why the thread was made to begin with, honestly.

Hey. I'm sorry you thought I was insulting your faction. I don't understand why it'd be considered an insult to say that Skarnfel didn't seem densely populated. It seemed like a necessary observation to make for the sake of constructive discussion.

(09-30-2023, 02:00 AM)GSM Wrote:
(09-30-2023, 01:09 AM)Nonni Wrote: I don't want to roleplay in Skarnfel, because I don't find it interesting.

Even if I -did- have interest in Skarnfel, I did go there while using an invisibility potion once and literally there was not a single person in sight, so I would have doubt if someone told me it's densely active.

To be fair, if this was recent, you did kind of probe it during the time where it was the least active, being pre-two separate raids and scheduling not exactly lining up. There’s also a good bit of buildings that see use. I myself haven’t been on because I have been partially sick or because of work obligations.

Also I’m not sure why the random insult is thrown out for the faction I run.

Not seeing why the thread was made to begin with, honestly.

"Even if I -did- have interest in Skarnfel,"
- I didn't understand your comment at first. I didn't understand it, because it didn't even occur to me that I'd said something offensive. I don't like Skarnfel because I can't play a morally good character there. Sorry for the confusion. Not an insult.

It's not a bad faction. I just have no interest in playing a very and truly evil character at this time.

You admitted to making fun of me for no absolute reason other than you feeling like I attacked you or me “embarrassing” myself, but you seemed to be attacking me directly regardless of my attempt like everyone else- to help you solve your personal issue of not finding any rp. But this- this is the reason why potentially nobody would want to solve your problem. You are a hypocrite who acts feisty, scream and yell, and pout because you didnt get the answer you’re looking for. Well good luck having the need to act passive aggressive, Im gonna end the conversation as it is and let others deal with you.
Take a breath, Nonni, you don't have OOC enemies here if you don't want them. You can find rp by reaching out. I encourage you to, because other people want rp too, and they might not know where everyone is or they feel overwhelmed and won't make the first move.

And even if you think someone tried to insult you don't shoot back. At least ask for clarification "what did you mean by this?" could be a miscommunication, them feeling off about something else, or even a poorly landed joke. The community's too small for this.
Just close the thread, it isnt heading anywhere if all theyre doing is being passive aggressive about it.
(09-30-2023, 03:19 AM)ForgetTheUnknown Wrote: Just close the thread, it isnt heading anywhere if all theyre doing is being passive aggressive about it.

"You forgot one thing. People have lives outside this game. We arent obligated to stay here all day."

I looked at this as a very openly and obviously aggressive and disrespectful thing to say and after a long day of dealing with very disgusting people, I was set off very quickly and easily.

Was your comment actually disrespectful? Honestly I don't know, and my heart isn't bleeding so that's all I care to say.

(09-30-2023, 03:35 AM)Nonni Wrote:
(09-30-2023, 03:19 AM)ForgetTheUnknown Wrote: Just close the thread, it isnt heading anywhere if all theyre doing is being passive aggressive about it.

"You forgot one thing. People have lives outside this game. We arent obligated to stay here all day."

I looked at this as a very openly and obviously aggressive and disrespectful thing to say and after a long day of dealing with very disgusting people, I was set off very quickly and easily.

Was your comment actually disrespectful? Honestly I don't know, and my heart isn't bleeding so that's all I care to say.

Also, it is not passive-aggression when you literally tell someone that you are insulting them. Good day.
Your response alone display passive aggression. You are passively being aggressive to those around you verbally. This is an example of it.
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