ForgetTheUnknown『 DIVINE OASIS 』- Freed's Bizarre Adventure
A daily reminder for the participants i listed to dm me on discord, gfuel8468, for the group chat to schedule the event. Thank you.

I still havent added the following

Loki Mikos, Regalus, Alexis
Update: Needed a new DM, dm me gfuel8468 to anyone that is interested. Already made a group chat. Or private message me in forum. Thank you.

Edit: Or respond to the thread. Thank you again.
Unfortunately I might have to cancel/postpone this until I have the energy to search for a dm. Ive been busy working and i dont feel committed to go dm searching atm, but I will return to this and see what I can do, to the participants that are still committed to joining.

This event is now scrapped. Thanks for showing interest, guys, the real journey is the bros I made along the way.
Current party disbanded due to current ic and other complications. Currently chatting with another dm. Looking for another party when all of that is settled. Members of the previous disbanded party are allowed to ask again. But for now? The party isnt full, and new spots are open for grabs.
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