Nephilim74"Reflections of Triumph and Loss: A Commander's Soliloquy Amidst Victory's Echoes"
"In the echoes of time's relentless passage, I find myself in the wake of a long-awaited victory. The gates of Aphros, once impregnable, now lay in ruins—a testament to the tenacity of my people. Yet, amidst the triumph, a haunting absence lingers. The Oracle, once vibrant and purposeful, now stands silent, leaving me unable to face Athelios, the mother of all.
I feel the weight of failure.
Throughout the long stretch of my existence, I have achieved feats beyond measure. Yet, as I stand amidst this triumph, I am plagued by uncertainty. 
Are you proud of me?"
[Image: image.png?ex=65517ea7&is=653f09a7&hm=601...17febef57&]
In the quiet lull that follows the chaotic symphony of war, the whispers of victory linger in the air, a testament to the relentless spirit of our people. The gates of Aphros, once thought impenetrable, now lie in shambles—a visual testament to our triumph. Yet, within the heart that beats beneath my chest armor, a tempest churns.
The path I chose, aligning with the fel forces, gnaws at my core. The alliance made in the heat of necessity, born from the urgency of battle, now haunts my thoughts. I seethe with a fury ignited by the cowardice that led them to abandon their homes, leaving without a backward glance, a blatant disregard for the defense of their birthplace. And yet, amidst the sea of retreaters, a few stood resolute, unwavering in their duty to protect what was theirs. Their valor remains etched in my mind—an echo of noble sacrifice amidst the tumultuous chaos.
My journal becomes a solace, a conduit for my restless thoughts, an attempt to heed the wisdom my mothers once imparted. How I ache for the warmth of your presence, for the guiding words and reassurances that now exist only in fading memories.
[Image: violet-violet-evergarden.gif]
First, it was you, both my guides, who embarked on the eternal journey. Then my brothers followed, slipping silently into the annals of time. And now, even the old sage, Galland, has departed, leaving behind the echoes of his wisdom in the chambers of memory.
A vow, resounding with the weight of my essence, unfurls within the recesses of my soul. I swear that under my watch, no more shall depart into the abyss. It's a pledge carved into the very fabric of my existence, a promise that I carry as an indelible burden upon my shoulders.
[Image: image.png?ex=65517d2a&is=653f082a&hm=611...66bae4dc8&]
*sound of burning*
I always be loyal to word i give.
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