A scroll rolled up and sent to the far away campus tucked within the shadows and hidden from the naked eye.. The scroll reads,
Quote:Ninja Academy Admissions,
I am Nisaki Nakano, and I am determined to hone my skills and embrace the way of the shinobi. Your academy's esteemed reputation and dedication to excellence have led me to this door, and I humbly request the opportunity to enroll. I am eager to prove my commitment and learn the ancient arts that define the path of the shinobi. With sincerity and unwavering determination, I hope to join your ranks and embark on this remarkable journey.
Nisaki Nakano
Attendees: Nisaki Nakano and Others
Rewards: A blade given to only those truly worthy to be titled a Shinobi!
Themes: Shinobi, Shengese style
DM Dabazzo