MalekThe Null Hypothesis
[Image: L6ZIPuhijnMyYbA4_DiGwZdyKNHfj9wM6kHZdgGx...rHteWg87ds]
Let me feast on the carcass of meaning.

It is a simple request.

Let my teeth pull apart every ‘why’ that desperately clings to your ribcage. Allow me to quaff down the will you desperately hide underneath your lungs.
Let me sleep in your cerebrum for a night. Let me leave and take everything with me.

Will I then be satisfied? Having left you with that same nothingness I see clouding your every move. That which you can not see- that which would not allow you to believe that the steps you take are ones not taken aimlessly.

If you could see it- would you stop in your tracks? Spread the hallucinatory contagion as I do? 


No amount of divinity, sin, death, stars, power, or dreams can cleanse the pus of thought.


I am the weakest. Wholly insignificant. Believe yourself to be everything, if you wish. I am nothing. I will make you come face to face with that.


I will give your thoughts form. I will see your meaning brought to reality. Then I will watch them sleep. I will watch them fight. I will watch them die. 

I will look upon your works. I will enable them. I will make your legends and delusions grander than even your single imagination can allow.

Then I will make you kill them yourself.

The mind is not built to realize a simple, rational truth. 

We have failed to reject the null hypothesis.
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