NuanceSome thoughts. Applications System, Investment, and Time
more people should app for mentor, be the change u want to see fr
"be the change you want to see"

that is my thoughts on the entire matter

remember how i said i was gonna make a whole post about the situation? well,

[Image: fa8.jpg?ex=655d30a2&is=654abba2&hm=5d02b...86819466f&]
(11-07-2023, 10:22 PM)Carbon Wrote: Having Signatures become teachable with perhaps a limit to 1/2 people per generation may be a neat addition, this is how skills are learned in all the DB games on byond and it actually works great imo. This forces player interaction to a degree, then once somebody has the sig they can then apply to learn mentor for it after x amount of time.

Also - I believe we should revisit Mal's suggestion of moving the application process to the Discord rather than the forums. It adds a direct communication channel to the Admins and makes it a little more intuitive to use, I guess. Admins can also just vote with a simple thumbs up / thumbs down and players can actually see how their stuff is being 'graded' so to speak.

Also also, I don't think I've spoken to a single person that has had their app approved/denied within a week. The wait time for the last batch of apps was 2+ weeks in some cases.

That first thing you suggested- that's literally how Mentor works. Like, genuinely. One for one.

Everything else I won't comment on.
[Image: image.png?ex=6547aa08&is=65353508&hm=f3a...54dc6db9e&]
I should app for mentor...
I fucking love teaching RP
(11-07-2023, 10:37 PM)ACuriousGrey Wrote: That first thing you suggested- that's literally how Mentor works. Like, genuinely. One for one.

Everything else I won't comment on.

Oh! Thanks for letting me know ! Now to find something that I can mentor...
[Image: sparklegif.gif]
(11-07-2023, 06:59 PM)Chance Wrote:
(11-07-2023, 06:57 PM)Enginseer-42 Wrote: Not to nitpick too much, because you're not wrong. But...

"Most people rb once age nerfs hit anyway"

This just feels silly to me. Rebirthing because you're not feeling the character anymore, sure. But because of age nerfs? That just feels ridiculous. It's not like your peers are any stronger. It's to give young guns a leg up on their older, more established opponents.

It's also incorrect. The majority who play a character for that long (roughly half a year) tend to keep playing them regardless.

[Image: CdzX8O0HRoqtSTc5lDbdpA.png]

STILL TRUCKIN (when time permits)
[Image: image0.png]
For a more serious post now;

I enjoy teaching people. I think getting Mentor on Malakim for Medic when I still played that Aen dude was great, because it allowed me to teach other people it without them needing to app for it. And I had quite a few people 3-5 at one time, even!

Mechanically, this would save a lot of time for everyone, admins especially. While I am used to waiting such long times due to coming from E1 and a week of waiting was sometimes even the norm on Esshar, I know some people want to be able to get their things sooner due to time constraints. People that play this game are often employed, in a different time zone than America (All three of them, even phew.) and like me, both!

I also think from a story perspective, that it'd be incredibly cool. The overall focus of this game is to write an enjoyable story, both for your character and the characters your character influences and on Sigismund, I distinctly remember one or two squires seeing me use Holy Super Magi and wanting to get it because it looks really cool. I helped them dev it, but I would've loved that I could mechanically do it as well after several dev worthy scenes.

Of course, there's always the danger of people abusing this mechanic but like Milly said, this can be controlled as well.

TLDR: I think people being able to mentor their signatures, whether actual spells, auras or stances would be really cool and would make for an extremely great reward at the end of the 'training' arc, so to speak.
It takes some time to realize but uniques and sigs are overrated and cringe and most people that worry about them don't really ever fight the people that have them. 

One thing I recently think I figured out is that putting the progress of your development on hold/or maybe not taking enough risks because you're waiting on an app is a recipe for disaster.

I mentioned my wait time on my app occasionally in the discord to the point where it probably bordered on complaining but realistically what r you gonna do. Admins have other apps, or they're busy, or there's not enough of them. 

You gotta have a dev path in mind rather than just some ability or item you wanna get imo. Something that feels meaningful to pursue because other characters find it interesting to engage with even if you haven't been given mechanics or a fancy yellow name item to represent it just yet. 

idk i'm sleepy.
I'm literally a holy mentor and have an app open for holy fire mentor. I think the mentor system is good and should be used more
While i dislike the app system in general [for various personal reasons], there should be a few things that ahould be outright available in game without neededing to app.

1. Weapon respriting. We can already resprite everything else. If people abuse feed em a 30 day ban. Even if we gotta tie the resprite down to t1 artificery. We already have iirc rules that greatswords can only use greatsword sprites staffs for staffs eyc.

2. Maybe, and i still am on the fence about it, those who get sigs should have mentor attached to it as a thing. This promotes the ability to teach it down the line should the time arise. If people abuse it just take it away from the abusers. Classes like medic and what not dont exactly have what I call a heavy requirement, and can easily be scooped up as is.

3. The mentor skill. For such a useful skill, i think the sole reason its not used as much is because you have to app for it. We already can just rp teaching as it is, might as well give it the mechanical function to do so.

Just my own personal grievences with the system.

And before the whole "buh people will abuse this and do stupid shit." Yeah that will happen. Counterpoint, ban em for playing stupid games as their stupid prize.
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