Nerdlord57Mirror, Mirror on the Wall..
[Image: b5634edb00bd745b10403daa4e69adfd.png?ex=...97241f07e&]

The Reflection, is a realm that an odd Leafblade often speaks upon in usage of his magic, and time and time again he seeks to follow a curiosity from his youth in relation to his own culture. That of the importance and credence to mirrors in Faeborne society and how they can be used to uncover truths and act as a guiding force. It was this that lead to Reluraun following some rumors that led him upon a rather old enchanted mirror in the outskirts of Dal'thala..

Following an intense curiosity over this finding, he intends to delve into the depths of the world hidden behind the reflective surface with friends and allies; to learn further of these confusing and beautiful worlds beyond glass.

Character Name: Reluraun.
Attendees: Whomever is a friend of Reluraun or loyal to Delphina who is interested, a max of 4.
Risk: CoD? Not sure if it would be high, but I am down to BALL.
Rewards: Up to the DM.
Theme: Faeborne Superstition, Distorted Reality, MIRRORS, Mystical.
DM: Searching!
Oopsie, forgot to say if you need to get into contact, my discord is: nerdlord57
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