FriendliestA Few Occupation Suggestions and More
Tressure Seeker Occupation - Starts with a class specific tressure finder and has access to tressure seeker specific rewards and exp that are scattered across the map and respawn in random locations. Finding a items buried by players grant bonus experience. Rewards can include Coin, Ore, Rare alchemy materials and maps. Maps would give Treasure seeker access to find higher tier rewards such as Dungeon Keys, Rare Ores, and Potions.

Hunter Class - Killing demons and animals across the map grant bonus exp and Hunter Class specific rewards. Killing Quest bosses grant bonus exp and higher ranked items. Killing Dungeon monsters and bosses grant an even higher tier items.

Lumberjack - Chopping wood gives a chance to obtain more wood. Able to obtain rare wood, Access to the skill "Mighty swing" which gives increased wood count. Wood sells for more for lumber jack. Chance to obtain rare alchemy ingredients from wood chopping

Misc Ideas
(insert spell) Pow - Able to give pow to specific spells on weapons or gear.
(Faith Pow) - able to increase the amount of faith gained per use of prayer
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