satoshi413When a Wildfire and a Tempest Meet
Your Mother
[Image: image.png?ex=65b57253&is=65a2fd53&hm=7eb...y=lossless]
[Image: Kiriheadersmall.png?ex=65b57518&is=65a30...y=lossless]
Artificer, Wayfinder, Golemancer, Medic
Motherly, kind, and caring, Kiri has a deep and encompassing love for her children and family--and there certainly is a -lot- of family. As your mother, Kiri would encourage the same wonderment and curiosity that she has for the world in her children, ushering them towards new experiences and discoveries, fostering any sense of wonder that she could. She felt a deep responsibility to each of her children--so she always made time for her children, even if the sheer number of them led to her being, at times, slightly scattered.
Occasionally taken to moments of melancholy, there were times where Kiri would withdraw to focus on her projects, disappearing for hours or days at a time in her workshop in Frontier--always followed up with an abundance of affection in its wake, as if to make up for it.
Known to have very strong emotions, leading to poor magical control early in life. Maybe her children do too.
Artificer, and would encourage any interest in artificing
Known to have a creed of forgiveness and redemption, and would try to instill this in her children.
The phrase 'I wish' was banned in the household within Kiri's hearing.

Your Father
[Image: image.png?ex=65b5754d&is=65a3004d&hm=658...y=lossless]
[Image: Dyausheadersmall.png?ex=65b57518&is=65a3...y=lossless]
Cloudstrider, Wishgranter, Royal Djinni
Enarr Aether/Cosmic/Air/Lightning
Whimsical, excitable, and playful, as your father Dyaus would fill his children's lives with wonder and magic--it would be impossible to do anything else. A dutiful and capable father, if reckless at times--doubtless there are countless stories and antics that have filled childhood to encourage a spark of adventure and wonder. He is incredibly indulgent--likely no request went unanswered, sometimes to the chagrin of his wife.
Ultimately his whimsy would lead to disappearances or reminiscing, often vanishing and returning with more stories, gifts, and affection. Perhaps at times the more wandering-prone of his children would come with him.
 A Djinn, from the outer worlds, possessed of marvelous powers
 Well known throughout the land and with a storied history
 Taken to bouts of wandering--it's never strange to see him anywhere

The Prithvi Children:
You would have been deeply loved, and lacked for little. As you grew older and got more and more siblings you may have been roped into small tasks like watching your siblings and minor household duties.
It would be laughably easy to learn the tricks your Father used to avoid any ire from your mother, and weaponize them. Kiri is a forgiving and lenient mother, and while she did her best to instill you with a good sense of morals, she often struggled with any of the harsher punishments.
You would have been educated and lightly spoiled. You would have grown up primarily in Dal'Thala, where your parents live, in the Skyspire, and exceedingly comfortable with a home that is furnished wholly by magical clouds and little else. Beds? Tables? Chairs? You have clouds.
Notable friends/family: Melidoyla, Dyaus's daughter and your step-sister would be familiar to you. Kaya Ueda is your aunt and frequently visited. You would be familiar with denizens of Delphina and Frontier, notably, and possibly Gloomlight citizens if you went with your mother on her many visits.
You would be very familiar with Dal'Thala and Final Frontier, and may have visited Gloomlight with your mother, if so inclined.

The Firstborn, Ninetails
 You have nine tails, and might have gathered Kiri's superstitions about such things. This may have caused you stress as a child, or may have given you an inflated ego.
You were taught the tenets of the Illuminated faith as a child, but if you showed interest in any religion, you would be gently encouraged towards it.
 Kitsune, name and gender up to you - spawnable NOW at age 16

The Twins:
 One of a set of twins, one of you takes after your mother, the other after your father. One of you would be a normal kitsune, the other 'djinn like'
You -were not- taught the tenets of the Illuminated faith as a child, but were gently directed towards religion if interested.
Names and gender up to you - spawnable NOW at age 14
FORM (please specify which one you're posting for)
Thank you everyone for your interest, the little Prithvis have been selected and will be reached out to shortly! There are two younger children that might or might not be opened for apps depending on activity of the current babs.
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