ZillyCharacter Approval Management
Hey there forum, I come to you today with a sad story on my part and a suggestion so that hopefully it doesn't happen again.

I came into the game recently as part of a group that I joined via application the details of which I wont go into.

As far as I and everyone involved with this (some of which were admins/staff themselves) this was approved and the races/roles we came in with were greenlit.

I spawned in game, had my race and everything set through a ticket and played for four weeks time having plenty of IC revolving around the race of my character and had plans for my characters future and the group.

I was pulled into a ticket today, saying that my race was never approved and that I would lose it. I was stripped of the race and all associated spells. After asking I was given a full respec despite my rpl of 210.

This was to put it simply a horrible experience and made me feel very bad.

My suggestion is perhaps something along the lines of a google document or whatever cloud based thing you'd care to use where staff and those organizing things can put down what they plan to have come in and the applicable staff can give the greenlight. The staff in game could then refer to that document when getting a ticket and know that everything is approved properly.
The Nephilim was not greenlit, or rather, the DM didn't know that there's a distinction between the heritage & the Aether spells themselves. The former you still have, and can continue the concept as desired! It's unfortunate that it was several weeks before we were made aware of this, but it is what it is, and not really a big deal. You just have to go through the same processes as every other Nephilim candidate. I get that it's not great to have something shiny taken away, and that is ultimately our bad, so apologies for that.

We also do have internal tracking for these sorts of things. Mimloopen was just given more freedom for the arc in particular, so it was a bit touch and go/reduced details in the communications (which is fine, no real harm done).
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