Observing FutureCrystal Cocoon my Beloved
Okay, I've gotten mixed messages on this and I just want clarification is all.

One month ago, I dangered someone as my goblin. During the danger I would cast spells while using Crystal Cocoon. I was informed by the player that it was likely a bug. So I ahelped to get clarification (We just continued the danger and agreed to both use spells during crystal cocoon for it since we were both crystal anyway).

I did get a reply to the ticket, they asked for examples, said I should make a bug report (It'd been reported), and then they went to get clarification and informed me that using spells during cocoon's invuln was not intended. So I started training myself not to do so on my goblin.

Now jumping to last night, I dangered someone as my new bandit (yes I am recycling the same build on a new character I have no shame I swear my next character will be different i promise i promise i promise). During the danger, in the heat of the moment, I tapped I think.. Shockwave while invulned and got a hit in on them.

I ended up barely winning, meaning that tap was something that influenced the victory. The person I fought ended up getting permed.

I immediately informed what I did in looc, and opened a ticket to see if I could get their injury changed from a permanent one to a temporary one, since I was under the assumption that I'd bug-abused in an adrenaline induced state (I get jittery fingers when I danger, and I danger often! But ive been pretty good at managing to not accidental cast while cocooned.)

But I was informed that being able to cast while in cocoon was not a bug.

So I just wanted to make this thread to get 100% clarification since there hasn't been any policy statement about it (I think), and I've been given two different answers.

Decisions can change over things like this, to turn what may have once been a bug into a feature. But before I start casting spells all willy nilly in crystal cocoon again, I just want to make very very sure that is the case, especially since it can be something that really changes the game for people who do use cocoon.
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It's not a bug. You're free to cast while Crystal Cocoon is active.
Being able to cast during crystal cocoon is indeed a bug and unintended. However it is impossible to try and police as the ideal use for an immune is to attempt to use an ability the frame it ends and so you will get even the best players casting during it if they want to use it. Currently the spell is not banned or anything. We just ask people to be mindful about it. It will, hopefully soon, be fixed to work as intended.

For now, the ruling is that you shouldn't but there's no way to stop you without banning the spell, which we aren't doing.

Edit: He can change his mind if he so wishes, however

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The most mixed messaging I've ever seen.
Okay so is it a bug or is it not?!

I'm just MORE confused now.
as chance said, its not a bug
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
it WAS a bug. It's NOW a feature.
we've always been at war with eurasia
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