SharrayzenSpirited Away
[Image: aHR0cHM6Ly9iLnN0YWJsZWNvZy5jb20vYTk5YjIz...pwZWc.webp]
Queen Llevara Mikos leads a daring expedition into Gala's Veil through the usage of Gala's Needle. Driven by her role as bearer of Gala's Needle and a devout Galaen Astrologian. A journey into the Astral Sea to explore other planes of existence touched by Gala's influence behind the dimensional doors. An ancient temple, and echoes of Gala's insight.

Attendees: Llevara Mikos and company (to be recruited)
Risk: Can be discussed
Theme: Religious/Horror(?)
Rewards: Faith dev (Gala's Veil related), etc.
DM: Any, please!
Discord: Sharrayzen
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