VibeEntertainmentGeneral Application Suggestion. Alongside some concerns.
I haven't handled any apps with the new form system, but i can also state with certainty during my time on the app team + from what i see now w/ the responses, no one has actually been told,

"Your story isn't significant"
"your development is too basic"

95% of the time responses explain p. in depth about, or at least skimming the surface, of why it was denied.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
(03-13-2024, 06:13 AM)Chance Wrote: My advice, as usual, is to not bother with requesting things if you aren't OK with bluntly being told no.

You know what, I can accept that.

That is the perspective I will approach applications from now on, really.
Can you please post actual examples of these terms being used when players have been given a denial? Otherwise it seems that things are being overdramatised.

[Image: nudd67u.png]
[Image: Ou20Kwc.png]
Right, well.

This request is denied, as the development was too basic.

But, considering the people who get these responses decide to show it to others. Because they're afraid to speak up. Due to various reasons many of us are aware of. Isn't helpful either. They can speak up and show all these responses they've gotten and more, but that's not the point. The point is things can be worded differently.

Being considerate of someone and their time when responding to them is all these people are asking. To be frank, I'm pretty sure some of these people who're being told their story "Lacks significance" have played a part in some of the quote, un quote main characters who're making world impact. Are they not? To say we can't see what everyone does in their story throughout is okay. Sure.

But, when they take their time to show you that through logs and we refer to... the link above? How was their way of going about something "Basic" meaning it's the same as someone else? You can tell them that. Now, I'm sure someone is going to say, what else is in the screenshot.

I wasn't given the entire portion. That person in question can go about giving their response here if they feel the need to do so however. But, after hearing they're afraid to apply due to such? Like... I dunno.

Being told "No" is pretty different than being told what's in the above.

It's the same as going to a job interview, and the interviewer just tells you your college experience, prior work experience and all those years of time you put in are...

"Not good enough" Welp. Yeah that is going to hit you pretty hard unless you have just no care for anything I guess. I wish I could be you. The point again is just to be considerate of how things are worded to people. If saying "No" is just that, then sure. Tell them...

"At this time your request for this has been declined." Now, at this point as mentioned feedback. People would argue wow I got denied and no feedback. Then on the other side it's hard to give feedback on their story. Sure, understandable. Vague, etc or however you wish to go about it. It'll in some way shape or form disappoint the person. Applications in truth will do this due to their nature. The "Response" is the key thing to look at here. That's all.[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
(03-13-2024, 06:55 AM)VibeEntertainment Wrote: This request is denied, as the development was too basic.

Please include the full exchange, mostly because I'm curious to see.
(03-13-2024, 06:58 AM)Chance Wrote:
(03-13-2024, 06:55 AM)VibeEntertainment Wrote: This request is denied, as the development was too basic.

Please include the full exchange, mostly because I'm curious to see.

Whenever the person is awake I'll see if they will send it to me and I'll link it here at the earliest time possible.[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
Like I'm genuinely confused because here are a selection of the first five randomized denials I found while searching offline tickets, I'm unable to find any responses of that nature. Maybe it's snipped from a larger reply.

Quote:Regarding your application for The Gaze the admin team has decided to deny at this time. Most development provided was from only two events and does not allow the admin team to properly evaluate for a signature, let alone a second signature. Greater milestones will be required on top of the Gaze's development in order to be awarded. If you have any questions feel free to submit a separate ticket when you're next online.

Quote:Regarding your application for Shinobi Surprise the admin team has decided to deny at this time. We would like to see more solid milestones from [] that highlight their achivements and what they're doing in the world / any training. As it stands [] is a bit in the background serving other characters and we would like to see [] come a bit more into their own in order to award  signature. If you have any questions feel free to submit a separate ticket when you're next online.

Quote:Regarding your application for necromancy the admin team has decided to deny at this time. We require more specific examples of lessons and what other PCs you've been learning from in order to approve this application.

Quote:Regarding your application for unbreakable stance the admin team has decided to deny at this time. The only new log for [] was the wedding which leads the team to believe it was an action to prove acitvity more than anything else. We would need to see longavity with actvities, not just one event to approval a signature.

Quote:Regarding your application for a custom stance the admin team would like to see some more concrete milestones that they're able to evaulate the character off of in order to award this signature. Higher achievements and larger scale personal events would be good to highlight in future apps.
(03-13-2024, 07:10 AM)Chance Wrote: Maybe it's snipped from a larger reply.

I think this is the case also. Since... it's not the entire screen of the ticket box. This is also (all I was shown)

Though, I go back to saying when the person is awake I'll be sure to try and get the full image if they have such of the ticket in question.[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
You know I tend to try and stay away from posting in one of these threads because I feel like it will get nowhere in the end but this time I would just like to put the first ticket I got for my denial for unbreakable since my second denial was used.

[Image: image.png?ex=65fbc996&is=65e95496&hm=bd2...67db48871&]

I was basically told I fell off because from the time of the last scene I wrote on the app was about 2 weeks apart from the app and the last scene which was my soulgem being destroyed. now I was a bit inactive because of irl reason and couldn't really log on much. now I have no idea where the I haven't had activity for almost a month came from but complaining about won't get me anywhere, so I'll just leave it at that. was the second app for it to show I was active, your damn right it was and honestly it hurt getting a denial twice for something you put effort into but I myself won't let that stop the fun I have in this game as it's just another bump in the road.
My take on this is, my main gripe at this point is not being told how to progress in terms of devving for a specific ability. I’ve been denied for a personality mismatch for something (not naming neither signature nor character), which didn’t help when the first signature app attempt I did for the ability was met with basically a “no, it’s too important, and you don’t qualify” with no further explanation.

I don’t really mind denials if they give concise reasons (IE the discord embed problem making one app of Artisan get denied, which I was unaware of up until I got denied, which was then corrected with linking actual apps as requested; other apps I’ve been denied for I’ve gotten pretty fair reasons, other than aforementioned), but my major pain point is just being told no and that’s kind of it.

I’m also somewhat concerned about status of apps for characters I’m returning to after some intense IRL and burnout/mental breaks caused me to pass up on a good OOC month or so of IC, but I will cross that bridge when I get there— I’ll need to understand what the precedent is there, so people get what it is that happens in those scenarios.

Also, on a slightly tangential note, with the advent of rush dungeons and etc, I’m leaning towards the “get a master sig for free for hitting RPL 230” to be a somewhat bad thing. Especially when I have seen people pivot from doing little to nothing, only to grind out PvE content and suddenly they’re 230 and have a sig now by default— this may be me waving my cane at the air after having to get approved via forum across all 3 of my major, “main” characters (Harper— Holy Lightning, Na’Ria— Nullification, Imperfect, Shevaun— Nephilim, Wayfinding Warp, mind you this was when being a Nephilim at all was a role app to just have the heritage and a separate app to awaken, which seems to have fallen out of favor now that form apps and emporiums are more prevalent than ever), but it feels kind of bad to see people waving around masters and even mythics for a seemingly “by-default” deserving quality.

Feel free to disregard my comments, my opinions aren’t worth very much. Just personal thoughts to delay myself from doing my job.

also please make item apps progress a little faster, I like commissioning icons and want to see them used.
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