Another day, another set of flyers from the Witch of Unreality. Once again, these find themselves stapled across every city that will allow her.
Quote:"We are currently facing a canine shaped epidemic.I HATE FORUM FORMATTINGSingular mages do not measure up against an ascended wolf, and so any and all that travel are fodder for their continued growth.I HATE FORUM FORMATTINGIt is time to even the playing field, regardless of cost. Complete extermination is necessary.I HATE FORUM FORMATTINGWe are to fight an epidemic with an epidemic, I am asking for all medics, biomancers, spiritmancers and any who think they can contribute to assist me.I HATE FORUM FORMATTINGI will work to summon miniature spirits in a form of my choosing, that of bacterium. A disease that seeks out the wolves specifically.I HATE FORUM FORMATTINGAll who believe themselves capable of contributing are to write to Fauste. You will receive recompense. She will make sure of it.I HATE FORUM FORMATTINGShe in this case being I, because I am writing these flyers. The flyer you are currently reading is flyer 617, my hands are tired."