ChanceTurn-Based Combat Discussion/Brainstorming
As I have displayed several times with retardedly good luck and instant game wins on deck-building roguelikes (winning my first runs on Slay the Spire, Fights in Tight Spaces, Balatro, Cobalt Core, etc), and the fact that I am a fanatic for Fire Emblem (and unfortunately a veteran of Sigrogana Legend 2), a tabletop omni-threat and an overall number nut,

I will win literally every fight with this.

There will be no exceptions.
I've thrown up a Discord thread in suggestions for easier brainstorming. Good posts though, making me think about the interactions to consider.
Right as I'd just thought of implementing a card mechanic in my event plans (Approve them please :[)

But yes please, turn-based ftw.
Honestly, im fine with turn based combat. But Im more concerned itd draw conflict on a debate war on "Should Meranthe default combat system be turn based or real time", im more worried that we're going to have a split community on this sort of thing and we're not be able to know what type of combat we do unless there's some rule that states otherwise. But I need some spice in my life, and turn based sounds great. I'm kinda getting bored of the real time rpb gimmick, and this is tickling my fancy.
[Image: image.png?ex=6634d9c7&is=66338847&hm=1b8...48fcaf1c2&]
I don't know if that this has been answered, but what are the plans for auras in relation to turn based combat? It would be cool to have a sort of special effect specific for turn based combat.
(05-02-2024, 09:03 PM)Friendliest Wrote: I don't know if that this has been answered, but what are the plans for auras in relation to turn based combat? It would be cool to have a sort of special effect specific for turn based combat.

No real plan for auras yet. They'll likely be 'buff' spells that persist for a time with a unique effect.
Reaction Phase
You can cast a Skill during your opponent's turn as a counter, if they declare a Skill that one of your own can intercept. Intercepting Skills are highlighted in your hand for 15s if the option is there; if not it'll just skip the phase.
If a counter isn't declared even if one is available within the 15s, then the opponent's Skill is cast per normal.
If a Skill is used as a counter, then its Mana cost and Cooldown are doubled.

Counter example,
They cast a projectile Skill. You have a projectile of your own can 'clash' with this, so you d so; both projectiles meet in the middle and the one with the highest damage wins, dealing the remainder of the damage to the enemy (f.ex Mana Missile of 8d/300pow 2400 is defeated by Lightning Arc 6d/450pow 2700, so the incoming Magic Missile is negated and the Lightning Arc deals 300 damage)

Proper mana management is especially important. High grade Skills often take multiple turns to charge and a chunk of mana. You gain 10 at the start of every turn. Excessive use of counters will quickly deplete your mana and grant an upper hand to your opponent, so you'll want to pick and choose these moments carefully.

Similarly, cooldown management plays a role. Each time a Skill is cast its cycled back into the grimoire, but it's 'inactive' until the cooldown period ends. It's a big risk to cast Eruption as a Counter, because its base cooldown of 5 is now 10. That means less options overall, and a potential dead draw. The more you counter the more you risk putting yourself into a corner.

Team Battles
Skills will be balanced with 2v2s and 3v3s (and greater) in mind. You can defend a party member if they're a range with a counter, or by just being in the line of fire to take incoming hits in their place. Coordination and placement matters. Combo attacks will also be incentivized. 

There will be no 'turn timer', purposely. Only counters/the reaction phase has a countdown of 15s, for the sake of battle smoothness. There will be rules and courtesy around 'taking too long', but this IS a writing platform. Opting not to have a timer to rush people when something interesting is happening is for the best.
Vitality and Power will increase by 1 every level; unable to increase these two stats
Change Stat Points to 1 every 5 levels

Specializations are capped at 20 points, stat specs (roughly 40 SP @ Level 220)

Dexterity: Decreases cooldowns by X%
Precision: Critical hit rate increased by X%
Strength: Increases physical by 1
Magic: (similar to mana/willpower; increases MP recovery rate in Tactical)

Once per turn, you can cast a Bonus Action alongside your Skill Card. These have CDs and often scale to a particular stat.

Sprint: Increase movement by x (dex)
Shove: Knock the target back by x (strength)
Guard: defense buff (strength)
Help: Pick a defeated ally up at 1HP
Hide: Conceal yourself, evading target (dex)
Rest: Restore some HP (magic)
Focus: Add 1 Charge (some skills will cost X charge to cast)
Eagle Eye: increase ranged crit this turn (precision)

Special Actions can also be unlocked as a Race Bonus or Role Bonus (f.ex: Rallying Cry, role, Dragon Scales, race)
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