DreamspeakerMake IC tab + LOOC tab
I leave myself on "All" tab just to see LOOC and IC - but I don't want to see global OOC. It's usually stupid shitposting 99% of the time and there's rarely anything good about global OOC.

You get occasional floods, or people talking about silly stuff, or things like that. If they want to keep going at it, I'd like to not see any of it & not be forced to switch to IC tab, cutting myself out from LOOC.

Make LOOC + IC tab, or another alternative of any kind in which you only see LOOC + IC only.
all, ic, local (ic and looc) and ooc
[Image: sRw0SQI.png][Image: unknown.png]
(02-23-2020, 11:19 PM)Dreamspeaker Wrote: I leave myself on "All" tab just to see LOOC and IC - but I don't want to see global OOC
[Image: FAeTTzx.png]

i gotchu chief
Give us the windows from eternia 1 back
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